- Description
- 75 pages; 22 cm
- Alternative Title
- Data analysis and development of recommendations for action in the fight against ant-semitism and xenophobia against roma people in Ukraine: for equal rights and equal opportunities : Recommendations : Congress of ethnic communities of Ukraine
- Subject
- Language (note)
- In Ukrainian and English.
- 5149248B
- Author
Romanenko, Li︠u︡dmyla, editor.
- Alternate Script for Author
Романенко, Людмила, editor.
- Title
Analiz danykh i rozrobka rekomendat︠s︡iĭ v borotʹbi z antysemityzmom ta ksenofobii︠e︡i︠u︡ shchodo romiv v Ukraïni : za rivni prava ta rivni moz︠h︡lyvosti : Rekomendat︠s︡iï : Konhres nat︠s︡ionalʹnykh hromad Ukraïny = Data analysis and development of recommendations for action in the fight against ant-semitism and xenophobia against roma people in Ukraine: for equal rights and equal opportunities : Recommendations : Congress of ethnic communities of Ukraine / Koordynator proektu: Li︠u︡dmyla Romanenko.
- Alternate Script for Title
АналיQ?Z даних ? розробка рекомендац?й в боротьб? з антисем?тизмом та ксенофоб??ю щодо ром?в в Укра?н? : за рיQ?WN? права та р?вн? можливост? : Рекомендац?? : Конгрес нац?ональних громад Укра?ни = Data analysis and development of recommendations for action in the fight against ant-semitism and xenophobia against roma people in Ukraine: for equal rights and equal opportunities : Recommendations : Congress of ethnic communities of Ukraine / Координатор проекту: Людмила Романенко.
- Publisher
Kyiv : Konhres nat︠s︡ionalʹnykh hromad Ukraïny, 2017.
- Alternate Script for Publisher
Kyiv : Конгрес нацיQ?ONALXNIH громад Укра?ни, 2017.
- Type of Content
- Type of Medium
- Type of Carrier
- Language
In Ukrainian and English.
- Indexed Term
Communities. Classes. Races.
Ethnic groups and races.
Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology.
Sociology (General)