Research Catalog

АналיQ?Z даних ? розробка рекомендац?й в боротьб? з антисем?тизмом та ксенофоб??ю щодо ром?в в Укра?н? : за рיQ?WN? права та р?вн? можливост? : Рекомендац?? : Конгрес нац?ональних громад Укра?ни = Data analysis and development of recommendations for action in the fight against ant-semitism and xenophobia against roma people in Ukraine: for equal rights and equal opportunities : Recommendations : Congress of ethnic communities of Ukraine

  • АналיQ?Z даних ? розробка рекомендац?й в боротьб? з антисем?тизмом та ксенофоб??ю щодо ром?в в Укра?н? : за рיQ?WN? права та р?вн? можливост? : Рекомендац?? : Конгрес нац?ональних громад Укра?ни = Data analysis and development of recommendations for action in the fight against ant-semitism and xenophobia against roma people in Ukraine: for equal rights and equal opportunities : Recommendations : Congress of ethnic communities of Ukraine / Координатор проекту: Людмила Романенко.
  • Analiz danykh i rozrobka rekomendat︠s︡iĭ v borotʹbi z antysemityzmom ta ksenofobii︠e︡i︠u︡ shchodo romiv v Ukraïni : za rivni prava ta rivni moz︠h︡lyvosti : Rekomendat︠s︡iï : Konhres nat︠s︡ionalʹnykh hromad Ukraïny = Data analysis and development of recommendations for action in the fight against ant-semitism and xenophobia against roma people in Ukraine: for equal rights and equal opportunities : Recommendations : Congress of ethnic communities of Ukraine / Koordynator proektu: Li︠u︡dmyla Romanenko.
  • Романенко, Людмила
  • Romanenko, Li︠u︡dmyla
  • Kyiv : Конгрес нацיQ?ONALXNIH громад Укра?ни, 2017.
  • Kyiv : Konhres nat︠s︡ionalʹnykh hromad Ukraïny, 2017.


75 pages; 22 cm
Alternative Title
Data analysis and development of recommendations for action in the fight against ant-semitism and xenophobia against roma people in Ukraine: for equal rights and equal opportunities : Recommendations : Congress of ethnic communities of Ukraine
  • Communities. Classes. Races
  • Ethnic groups and races
  • Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology
  • Sociology (General)
  • Ukraine
Language (note)
  • In Ukrainian and English.
Romanenko, Li︠u︡dmyla, editor.
Alternate Script for Author
Романенко, Людмила, editor.
Analiz danykh i rozrobka rekomendat︠s︡iĭ v borotʹbi z antysemityzmom ta ksenofobii︠e︡i︠u︡ shchodo romiv v Ukraïni : za rivni prava ta rivni moz︠h︡lyvosti : Rekomendat︠s︡iï : Konhres nat︠s︡ionalʹnykh hromad Ukraïny = Data analysis and development of recommendations for action in the fight against ant-semitism and xenophobia against roma people in Ukraine: for equal rights and equal opportunities : Recommendations : Congress of ethnic communities of Ukraine / Koordynator proektu: Li︠u︡dmyla Romanenko.
Alternate Script for Title
АналיQ?Z даних ? розробка рекомендац?й в боротьб? з антисем?тизмом та ксенофоб??ю щодо ром?в в Укра?н? : за рיQ?WN? права та р?вн? можливост? : Рекомендац?? : Конгрес нац?ональних громад Укра?ни = Data analysis and development of recommendations for action in the fight against ant-semitism and xenophobia against roma people in Ukraine: for equal rights and equal opportunities : Recommendations : Congress of ethnic communities of Ukraine / Координатор проекту: Людмила Романенко.
Kyiv : Konhres nat︠s︡ionalʹnykh hromad Ukraïny, 2017.
Alternate Script for Publisher
Kyiv : Конгрес нацיQ?ONALXNIH громад Укра?ни, 2017.
Type of Content
Type of Medium
Type of Carrier
In Ukrainian and English.
Indexed Term
Communities. Classes. Races.
Ethnic groups and races.
Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology.
Sociology (General)
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