Research Catalog

The music of Islām

The music of Islām [electronic resource].
Tucson, Ariz. : Celestial Harmonies, p1998.

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Additional Authors
  • Parsons, David (Composer)
  • Kartomi, Margaret J.
  • Jormana, Lotfi
  • Zarga, Abdessalem
  • Lotfi Jormana Group. prf
1 online resource (1 sound file).
Alternative Title
  • Mawwal 1.
  • Medley.
  • Baba Salem.
  • Hay leli leli - Ala bab souika.
  • El guelb ely yehwek.
  • Mawwal 2.
  • Dhaouit ayemek - Ma indich zahar.
  • Nemdah laktab.
  • Islam
  • Islamic music
  • Mysticism > Islam
  • Islamic instrumental and vocal music recorded in Egypt, Indonesia, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen, Pakistan, Qatar, and Iran.
Credits (note)
  • Vol. 1-14 produced by David Parsons, v. 15 produced by Margaret Kartomi.
Language (note)
  • Sung in various languages including Arabic, Nubian, Turkish, Urdu, and Minangkabau.
Source of Description (note)
  • Description based on hard copy version record.
  • V. 4. Music of the Arabian Peninsula, Doha, Qatar. Quam na dimi ; Ish lonak ini ; Taqsim I (maqam kurd) ; Ya gariya khabirini ; Al hajr ; Marou alyaa el-helwen ; Taqsim 2 (maqam nahawand); Bead konto ; Lama bada yatasana ; Taqsim 3 (maqam rast) ; Ya helo ya abu el-sedara. v. 5. ʻAīssāoua Ṣūfī ceremony, Marrakesh, Morocco. Disc 1. Dikr (Part 1) ; Dikr (Part 2) ; Fatha ; Dikr (Part 3) ; Invocation ; 'Ada (Part 1) ; 'Ada (Part 2). Disc 2. Scene Inauguration ; Dikra Rebbania ; Closing Music. v. 6. Al-Maghrib Gnāwa Music, Marrakesh, Morocco. Ulad Mambara ; Yobati -- Kalkani bulila ; Ada ; Buderbala -- Buhala ; Itchalaba titara ; Yomala ; Mimuna. v. 7. Al-Andalūs Andalusian music, Tetouan, Morocco. Eshbehayn: Eshbehayan ; Mkdam sharki ; Rashdayl ; Esthlal ; Times mkdam sharki ; Rashdfa ; Hijasoul (Chahshahachni) ; Elhijaz. v. 8. Folkloric music of Tunisia, Tūnis, Tunisia. Medley ; Mawwal 1 ; Baba Salem ; Leliri ya mana ; Hay leli leli -- Ala bab souika ; El guelb ely yehwek ; Mawwal 2 ; Dhaouit ayemek -- Ma indich zahar ; Nemdah laktab.
  • V. 9. Mawlawiyah music of the Whirling Dervishes, Istanbul, Turkey. The Sema Ritual: Nat-i Sherif (Makam Rast) ; The Sema Ritual: Nay taksim (improvisation) ; The Sema Ritual: Peshrev (Prelude; Makam Suzidilara) ; The Sema Ritual: Suzidilara Ayin (Makam Suzidilara) ; The Sema Ritual: Kamanche taksim (improvisation) ; The Sema Ritual: Feeynema tuvellu fesemme vechullah (Wherever you turn you see God's presence) ; Suite in Segah: I. Peshrev II. Sol cennetin... III. Ey Allahim beni... IV. Canim kurban ; Tanbour taksim (bowed tanbour improvisation; Makam Rast) ; Suite in Rast: I. Ka'benin yollari II. Ey asik-i dildade III. Erler demine... IV. Allahumme salli.... v. 10. Qur'ān recitation, Istanbul, Turkey. Ezan (Call to Prayer) ; Fatiha (The Opening Chapter), Surah I, 1-7 ; Baqara 1 (The Heifer), Surah II, 1-5 ; Baqara 2 (During Ascension), Surah II, 285-286: Baqara 2 (During Ascension) Surah II, 285-286 ; Furqan (The Distinction), Surah XXV, 1-77 ; Ya-Sin, Surah Xxxvi, 1-83 ; Rahman (Most Gracious), Surah LV, 1-78 ; Hashr (The Banishment), Surah LIX, 23-24 ; Asr (The Ages), Surah Ciii, 1-3 ; Ikhlas (Purity Of Faith), Surah Cxii, 1-4 ; Falaq (The Dawn), Surah Cxiii, 1-5 ; Nas (Mankind), Surah Cxiv, 1-6 ; Tekbir (Unification).
  • V. 11. Music of Yemen, Sanaʻa Yemen. Ya Rabbat el-Husn (Oh Goddess of Beauty) ; Taba 'an liqa (It was nice to meet) ; Ana atarjjak (I implore you): Ana atarjjak (I implore you) ; Tabi' 's-samar (After the nocturnal enjoyment) ; Leh leh wa-hajiri (Why, oh why are you leaving me) ;Ya sharikh el-hawel (Oh, young shepherd) ; Li-llahi ma yahweh hatha 'l-maqam (Indeed, how wonderful is this gathering). v. 12. Music of Iran, Karaj, Iran. Tasnif-e mahalli Kurdi ; Tasnif-e Dashti ; Avaz Shooshtari ; Bedah-e navazi santur (Impromptu on the santur) ; Reng ; Bedah-e avaz tasnif-e Kurdi (Avaz improvisation and Kurdish tasnif) ; Bedah-e navazi tombak (Improvisation on the tombak) ; Tasnif-e Esfahan (Song to the Esfahan Tune) ; Tasnif va so 'al va javab-e kemenche ; Farghan-e a'vam ; Gat-e Kurdi. v. 13. Music of Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan. Raga Bairagi Bhairavi (Early Morning) ; Raga Puriya Dhanashri (Early Evening) ; Raga Yaman (Evening). v. 14. Mystic music through the ages, Istanbul, Turkey. Sem-i ruhuna cismimi pervane dusurdum (My body is a moth drawn to the flame of your spirit) ; Ey ki hezar aferin, bu nice sultan olur (Oh, the Creator of thousands of beings...) ; Bahri umman durriyem, yerim mekanin kandedir (I am an ocean pearl, where is my home?) ; Uyan, ey gozlerim gafletten uyan (Wake up! O my eyes, awaken from sleep) ; Ya Rabbi, Zat'in sirridir bu gulleri handan eden (Oh my Lord, the secret of your Essence...) ; Cun sana gonlum mubtela oldu (Because you have consumed my heart...) ; Allahu ekber, Allahu ekber, la ilahe illallah (Allah is the greatest, there is no god but Allah): Tekbir: Allahu ekber, Allahu ekber, la ilahe illallah (Allah is the greatest, there is no god but Alla ; Ya, Hazret-i Mevlana, Hakk dost (Oh, our holy master Mevlana, beloved of God...) ; Sultan-i meni, sultan-i meni, ender dil-u can iman-i meni Hiz ki imruz cihan an-i mast can-u cihan saki-vu mihman-i mast ; Gelin, gidelim Allah yoluna (Come, let us take God's path) ; Allah emrin tutalim -- Rahmet'ine batalim (We will carry out God's will and fall back upon his mercy) ; Alma tenden canimi -- gormeden cananimi (Do not take my soul from my body, until I see my beloved) ; Sevelim Hazret-i Mevlana'yi (Let us revere Saint Mevlana) ; Ey, Allahim, beni Send'en ayirma (Ah, my God, do not separate me from you) ; Hor bakma sen topraga (Don't see the earth as despicable...) ; Gormek istersen seni -- can icre ara cani (If you seek yourself, look for your self in your soul) ; Velillahil mesriku vel magrib feeynema tuvellu fesemme Vechullah.
  • V. 15. Disc 1. Muslim music of Indonesia: West Sumatra. Dendang manangkok -- Marindu Harimau 1 ; Dendang manangkok -- Marindu Marimau 2 ; Basosoh; Matam ; Maratapi jari-jari ; Dol-Tasa 1 ; Dol-Tasa 2 ; Dol-Tasa 3 ; Dol-Tasa 4 ; Rapai 1 ; Rapai 2 ; Rapai 3 ; Rapai 4 ; Indang mail tani ; Dabuih (BM), Dabus (BI) ; Dabuih ; Salawek Dulang: Lagu meriam penangkis ; Salawek Dulang: Lagu Bolando berangkek. Disc 2. Muslim music of Indonesia: Aceh. Rateup maseukat ; Pho ; Seudati inong 1 ; Seudati inong 2 ; Seudati inong 3 ; Rapai daboih 1 ; Rapai daboih ; Seudati 1 ; Seudati 2.
  • DEA749711194
  • DEA749711193
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  • DEA749711196
  • DEA749711197
  • DEA749711198
  • DEA749711199
  • DEA749711200
  • DEA749711201
The music of Islām [electronic resource].
Tucson, Ariz. : Celestial Harmonies, p1998.
Lotfi Jormana, vocals ; Abdessalem Zarga, bagpipe ; Lotfi Jormana Group.
Vol. 1-14 produced by David Parsons, v. 15 produced by Margaret Kartomi.
Sung in various languages including Arabic, Nubian, Turkish, Urdu, and Minangkabau.
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Added Author
Parsons, David (Composer)
Kartomi, Margaret J.
Jormana, Lotfi. Instrumentalist
Zarga, Abdessalem. Instrumentalist
Lotfi Jormana Group. Performer
Added Title
Mawwal 1.
Baba Salem.
Hay leli leli - Ala bab souika.
El guelb ely yehwek.
Mawwal 2.
Dhaouit ayemek - Ma indich zahar.
Nemdah laktab.
Other Form:
Source record: Music of Islām. Tucson, Ariz. : Celestial Harmonies, p1998 (OCoLC)41574178
Other Standard Identifier
Publisher No.
13148-2 Celestial Harmonies
Branch Call Number
eNYPL Music
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