- Additional Authors
- Description
- 1 online resource (1 sound file)
- Alternative Title
- Earliest organ music
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Streaming audio.
- Note
- "This CD presents some of the earliest music written for organ, both sacred and secular."
- The 1st and last 2 works performed in alternatim with Gregorian plainchant sung in Latin by men's voices.
- Language (note)
- Contents
- From the Faenza codex (Faenza, Biblioteca comunale MS 117). Kyrie cunctipotens genitor Deus (7:34) ; Bel fiore danc̜a (1:09) ; Or sus, vous dormés trop (4:42) -- From the Robertsbridge codex (London, British Library MS Add. 28550, ff. 43-44). Estampie : Retrové (6:52) ; Motet : Firmissime/Adesto/Alleluya (3:55) -- From the Groningen MS (Groningen, University Library incunabulum no. 70). Asperance (1:31) ; Empris domoyrs (1:33) -- From the Ileborgh tablature (Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Praeambulum 4/Mensura 1 (2:28) ; Praeambulum 5/Mensura 3 (3:58) ; Praeambulum 3/Mensura 2 (1:41) -- Untitled, from the treatise De musica arte (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Cod. lat. 7755, ff. 276r-280r) (3:06) -- From the Buxheimer Orgelbuch (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, MS Cim. 352b). Redeuntes in la (1:08) ; Praeambulum super f (1:41) ; Praeambulum super mi (1:28) ; Praeambulum super C (1:43) ; Redeuntes in Idem (3:20) -- Chanson settings. Praeambulum super d (:38) ; Adieu mes tres belle (1:43) ; Praeambulum 1 from the Ileborgh tablature (:21) ; J'ay pris amours (1:10) ; Praeambulum super G (:48) ; Portugaler (4:21) ; Praeambulum super C (:31) -- Se la face ay pale (1:58) -- Kyrie de Sancta Maria Virgine (4:25) -- Gloria de Sancta Maria Virgine (8:01).
- 954745855
- Title
Gothic pipes : the earliest organ music.
- Publisher
Seattle, WA : Loft, [2004]
- Copyright Date
- Type of Content
performed music
- Type of Medium
- Type of Carrier
online resource
- Digital File Characteristics
audio file
- Performer
Kimberly Marshall, organ (Schwalbennestorgel (Swallow's nest organ), Edskes-Blank, 1985) ; Cappella Romana ; Alexander Lingas, conductor.
- Event
Recorded 1993 June Predigerkirche, Basel, Swizterland.
- Language
Sung in Latin.
- Source of description
Hard copy version record.
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Marshall, Kimberly, instrumentalist.
Lingas, Alexander, conductor.
Cappella Romana, singer.
- Other Form:
Source record: Marshall, Kimberly. Gothic pipes. Seattle, WA : Loft Recordings, p2004 (DLC) 2004592840 (OCoLC)56433177
- Publisher No.
LRCD-1047 Loft
- Branch Call Number
eNYPL Music