- Additional Authors
- Description
- 1 online resource (1 sound file).
- Series Statement
- Arturo Toscanini collection ; v. 52
- Toscanini, Arturo, 1867-1957. Arturo Toscanini collection ; v. 52.
- Uniform Title
- Works. Selections
- Alternative Title
- Works.
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Operas.
- Excerpts.
- Overtures.
- Streaming audio.
- Note
- Previously issued separately in 1991 as RCA Victor Gold Seal: 60264-2-RG.
- Language (note)
- Contents
- Die Walküre. Act I, scene 3 (Ein Schwert verhiess mir der Vater ; Der Männer Sippe ; Winterstürme wichen ; Du bist der Lenz ; Ein Minnetraum ; Siegmund heiss ich) (26:22) ; Act III. Walkürenritt = Ride of the Valkyries (5:08) -- Siegfried Idyll (17:39) -- Tristan und Isolde. Vorspiel = Prélude (11:26) ; Liebestod (7:01).
- USBC15200142
- USBC14100107
- USBC14100106
- USBC14100105
- USBC14100104
- USBC14100103
- USBC14100102
- USBC15200143
- USBC15200144
- USBC15200145
- 1104364110
- Author
Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883, composer.
- Title
Die Walküre ; Tristan und Isolde (excerpts) ; Siegfried Idyll / Wagner.
- Publisher
New York, NY : RCA Records, [2012]
- Copyright Date
- Playing Time
002622 000508 001739 001126 000701
- Type of Content
performed music
- Type of Medium
- Type of Carrier
online resource
- Digital File Characteristics
audio file
- Series
Arturo Toscanini collection ; v. 52
Toscanini, Arturo, 1867-1957. Arturo Toscanini collection ; v. 52.
- Performer
Helen Traubel, soprano ; Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; NBC Symphony Orchestra ; Arturo Toscanini, conductor.
- Event
Walküre Act I, scene 3 recorded as an NBC radio broadcast, 1941 February 22 Carnegie Hall.
Remaining works recorded 1952 January 3, July 29, and January 7 Carnegie Hall.
- Language
Sung in German.
- Source of description
Hard copy version record.
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Traubel, Helen, singer.
Melchior, Lauritz, singer.
Toscanini, Arturo, 1867-1957, conductor.
Container of (work): Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. Ring des Nibelungen. Walküre. 1. Aufzug. 3. Szene.
Container of (work): Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. Ring des Nibelungen. Walküre. Walkürenritt.
Container of (work): Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. Siegfried-Idyll.
Container of (work): Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. Tristan und Isolde. 1. Aufzug. Einleitung.
Container of (work): Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. Tristan und Isolde. Liebestod.
NBC Symphony Orchestra, instrumentalist.
- Other Form:
Source record: Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. Works. Selections. Walküre. New York, NY : RCA Red Seal, [2012] (OCoLC)803974081
- Other Standard Identifier
- Publisher No.
886446345949 RCA Records
- Branch Call Number
eNYPL Music