Research Catalog

Psalmen : Chorbuch : für gemischten Chor a cappella, gelegentlich mit Tasteninstrument = Psalms : choral collection : for mixed choir a cappella, occasionally with keyboard accompaniment

Psalmen : Chorbuch : für gemischten Chor a cappella, gelegentlich mit Tasteninstrument = Psalms : choral collection : for mixed choir a cappella, occasionally with keyboard accompaniment / herausgegeben von = edited by Stefan Schuck.
  • Stuttgart : Carus, [2019]
  • ©2019

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2 Items

StatusFormatAccessCall NumberItem Location
Notated musicUse in library JMG 19-666Performing Arts Research Collections - Music
Notated musicUse in library *LDC 54125Performing Arts Research Collections - Recorded Sound


Additional Authors
  • Schuck, Stefan, 1963-
  • Tallis, Thomas, approximately 1505-1585
  • Rheinberger, Josef, 1839-1901
  • Reger, Max, 1873-1916
  • Monteverdi, Claudio, 1567-1643
  • Baltruweit, Fritz
  • Cui, César, 1835-1918
  • Kreek, Cyrillus, 1889-1962
  • Irvine, Jessie Seymour, 1836-1887
  • Grant, David, 1833-1893
  • Schumann, Georg, 1866-1952
  • Kindt-Siegwalt, Irmgard
  • Neithardt, A. (August), 1793-1861
  • Silcher, Friedrich, 1789-1860
  • Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847
  • Victoria, Tomás Luis de, approximately 1548-1611
  • Lewandowski, Louis, 1821-1894
  • Bourgeois, Louis, active 16th century
  • Schütz, Heinrich, 1585-1672
  • Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, 1525?-1594
  • Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
  • Distler, Hugo, 1908-1942
  • Sulzer, Salomon, 1804-1890
  • Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809
  • Hammerschmidt, Andreas, 1611 or 1612-1675
  • Dering, Richard, approximately 1580-1630
  • Waldenby, Michael, 1953-
  • Kiel, Friedrich, 1821-1885
  • Saint-Saëns, Camille, 1835-1921
  • Rubin, David, 1837-1922
  • Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828
  • Matsushita, Kō, 1962-
  • Schronen, Alwin Michael, 1965-
  • Boyce, William, 1711-1779
  • Tobias, Rudolf, 1873-1918
  • Busto, Javier
  • Kennel, Gunter, 1961-
  • Schütky, Franz Joseph, 1817-1893
  • Steuerlein, Johann, 1546-1613
  • Tye, Christopher, 1497?-1572
  • Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
  • Monk, William Henry, 1823-1889
  • Cornelius, Peter, 1824-1874
  • Miškinis, Vytautas, 1954-
  • Edwards, Edwin
  • Świder, Józef
  • Romberg, Andreas, 1767-1821
  • Helgi Helgason, 1848-1922
  • Frankhauser, James
  • Bernius, Frieder
  • Prinz, Johannes
  • Grün, Georg
  • Stümke, Almut, 1974-
  • sirventes berlin (Musical group), singer.
  • Vancouver Cantata Singers, singer.
  • Kammerchor Stuttgart, singer.
  • Wiener Kammerchor, singer.
  • Kammerchor Saarbrücken, singer.
  • Kammerchor consonare, singer.
1 score (v, 184 pages); 32 cm +
Alternative Title
Psalms : choral collection : for mixed choir a cappella, occasionally with keyboard accompaniment
  • Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices), Unaccompanied
  • Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices) with continuo
  • Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices) with organ
  • Psalms (Music)
  • Psalms (Music)
  • Sound recordings.
  • Scores.
  • For solo voice, mixed chorus, and organ (15th and 49th works), mixed chorus and organ (28th and 50th works), mixed chorus with continuo (4th, 23rd-24th, 43rd works), solo voices and mixed chorus unaccompanied (11th and 31st work), solo voice and mixed chorus unaccompanied (8th and 30th work), mixed chorus unaccompanied (remainder of works)
  • Slovak, Estonian, Hebrew, Icelandic and some English works with German translations; some German works with English translations; all works sung in original languages on accompanying disc
  • 53 Psalm settings from across six centuries; recorded performances of 18 of the works included on accompanying disc
  • Figured bass realized for organ
  • Introduction by the editor and biographical information on the composers in German with English translation
Language (note)
  • German, English, Latin, French, Hebrew, Icelandic, Slovak and Estonian words
Man blest no doubt / Thomas Tallis -- Warum toben die Heiden / Josef Gabriel Rheinberger -- Ich liege und schlafe / Max Reger -- Domine, ne in furore tuo / Claudio Monteverdi -- Die Himmel erzählen / Fritz Baltruweit -- Bozĕ, Bozĕ moj = Herr, mein Gott, erhör mein Flehen / César Cui -- Mu Jumal = Mein Vater / Cyrillus Kreek -- The Lord's my sheperd / Jessie Seymour Irvine, David Grant -- Und ob ich schon wanderte im finstren Tal / Georg Schumann -- Der Herr ist mein Hirte / Irmgard Kindt-Siegwalt -- Die Erde ist des Herrn / Heinrich August Neithardt -- Wie heilig ist diese Stätte / Friedrich Silcher -- Defend me, Lord, from shame = Dir, Herr, vertraue ich / Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy -- Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore / Tomás Luis de Victoria -- Ewiger, an den Himmel reicht deine Huld / Louis Lewandowski -- Las, en ta fureur / Loys Bourgeois -- Ich harrete des Herren / Heinrich Schütz -- Sicut cervus desiderat / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina -- God is our refuge = Gott will uns Stärke und Zuversicht sein / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- Wie der Hirsch schreiet nach frischem Wasser / Hugo Distler -- Was betrübst de Seele dich / Salomon Sulzer -- The Lord th'Almighty Monarch, spake / Joseph Haydn -- Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein reines Herz / Andreas Hammerschmidt -- Jubilate Deo universa terra / Richard Dering -- Gott sei uns gnädig / Heinrich August Neithardt -- Exsultate Deo / Michael Waldenby -- Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen / Friedrich Kiel -- Quam diecta tabernacula tua / Camille Saint-Saëns -- Denn er hat seinen Engeln befohlen / Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy -- Jauschëw be ̳sëser eljaun = Wer da wohnt in Schatten des Herrn / David Rubin -- Tôw l'hôdôs = Welche Lust, zu danken / Franz Schubert -- Bonum est confiteri Domino / Ko Xavier Matsushita -- Cantate Domino canticum novum / Alwin Michael Schronen -- Der Herr ist König / William Boyce, eingerichtet von Stefan Schuck -- Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied / Rudolf Tobias -- Jubilate Deo omnis terra / Javier Busto -- O Lord, hear my prayer / Gunter Kennel -- Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele / Anonymus (17. Jahrhundert) -- Emitte Spiritum tuum / Franz Josef Schütky -- Auf, Seele, Gott zu loben / Johann Steuerlein -- Kiida, mu hing = Lobe den Herrn / Cyrillus Kreek -- Laudate nomen Domini / Christopher Tye -- Non nobis Domine / Joseph Haydn -- Non moriar / Martin Luther -- Lasst uns Gott, unserm Herren / Heinrich Schütz -- The Lord is my strength / William Henry Monk -- Heil und Freude ward mir verheißen = Joy and blessing / Peter Cornelius -- Hinneh matôv = Wie lieblich ist's / Salomon Sulzer -- I will praise the Lord as long as I live / Vytautas Mis̆kinis -- Herr, mache dich auf / Edwin Edwards, eingerichtet von Stefan Schuck -- Laudate Dominum de caelis / Józef Świder -- Lobt Gott den Herrn / Andreas Romberg -- Lofið drottin = Lobet Gott / Helgi Helgason
Call Number
JMG 19-666
  • M007244668
  • 9790007244668
Psalmen : Chorbuch : für gemischten Chor a cappella, gelegentlich mit Tasteninstrument = Psalms : choral collection : for mixed choir a cappella, occasionally with keyboard accompaniment / herausgegeben von = edited by Stefan Schuck.
Stuttgart : Carus, [2019]
Copyright Date
Chorleiterband mit CD = Conductor's score with CD.
Type of Content
notated music
performed music
Type of Medium
Type of Carrier
audio disc
Digital File Characteristics
audio file
CD audio
Performers on audio disc: Vancouver Cantata Singers ; James Frankhauser, conductor (2nd work) ; Kammerchor Stuttgart ; Frieder Bernius, conductor (7th and 12th works) ; Wiener Kammerchor ; Johannes Prinz, conductor (10th work) ; KammerChor Saarbrücken ; Georg Grün, conductor (16th work) ; Kammerchor consonare ; Almut Stümke, conductor (17th work) ; sirventes berlin ; Stefan Schuck, conductor (remainder of works)
German, English, Latin, French, Hebrew, Icelandic, Slovak and Estonian words
Staff notation
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Added Author
Schuck, Stefan, 1963- editor, arranger of music, choral conductor.
Tallis, Thomas, approximately 1505-1585, composer.
Rheinberger, Josef, 1839-1901, composer.
Reger, Max, 1873-1916, composer.
Monteverdi, Claudio, 1567-1643, composer.
Baltruweit, Fritz, composer.
Cui, César, 1835-1918, composer.
Kreek, Cyrillus, 1889-1962, composer.
Irvine, Jessie Seymour, 1836-1887, composer.
Grant, David, 1833-1893, composer.
Schumann, Georg, 1866-1952, composer.
Kindt-Siegwalt, Irmgard, composer.
Neithardt, A. (August), 1793-1861, composer.
Silcher, Friedrich, 1789-1860, composer.
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847, composer.
Victoria, Tomás Luis de, approximately 1548-1611, composer.
Lewandowski, Louis, 1821-1894, composer.
Bourgeois, Louis, active 16th century, composer.
Schütz, Heinrich, 1585-1672, composer.
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, 1525?-1594, composer.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791, composer.
Distler, Hugo, 1908-1942, composer.
Sulzer, Salomon, 1804-1890, composer.
Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809, composer.
Hammerschmidt, Andreas, 1611 or 1612-1675, composer.
Dering, Richard, approximately 1580-1630, composer.
Waldenby, Michael, 1953- composer.
Kiel, Friedrich, 1821-1885, composer.
Saint-Saëns, Camille, 1835-1921, composer.
Rubin, David, 1837-1922, composer.
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828, composer.
Matsushita, Kō, 1962- composer.
Schronen, Alwin Michael, 1965- composer.
Boyce, William, 1711-1779, composer.
Tobias, Rudolf, 1873-1918, composer.
Busto, Javier, composer.
Kennel, Gunter, 1961- composer.
Schütky, Franz Joseph, 1817-1893, composer.
Steuerlein, Johann, 1546-1613, composer.
Tye, Christopher, 1497?-1572, composer.
Luther, Martin, 1483-1546, composer.
Monk, William Henry, 1823-1889, composer.
Cornelius, Peter, 1824-1874, composer.
Miškinis, Vytautas, 1954- composer.
Edwards, Edwin, composer.
Świder, Józef, composer.
Romberg, Andreas, 1767-1821, composer.
Helgi Helgason, 1848-1922, composer.
Frankhauser, James, choral conductor.
Bernius, Frieder, choral conductor.
Prinz, Johannes, choral conductor.
Grün, Georg, choral conductor.
Stümke, Almut, 1974- conductor.
sirventes berlin (Musical group), singer.
Vancouver Cantata Singers, singer.
Kammerchor Stuttgart, singer.
Wiener Kammerchor, singer.
Kammerchor Saarbrücken, singer.
Kammerchor consonare, singer.
Other Standard Identifier
M007244668 paperback
9790007244668 paperback
Publisher No.
CV 2.103 Carus score
2.103 Carus score
CV 2.103/97 Carus CD
2.103/97 Carus CD
LC 3989 Carus CD
Research Call Number
JMG 19-666 [TEXT]
*LDC 54125 [CD]
View in Legacy Catalog