- Publication Date
- No. 85- May 1978-
- Uniform Title
- Nonwovens report international (Online)
- Nonwovens yearbook.
- Nonwovens report yearbook.
- Nonwovens report international yearbook.
- Alternative Title
- Nonwovens rep. int.
- Nonwovens report international
- Subject
- Access (note)
- License restrictions may limit access.
- Numbering (note)
- Volumes for <1982>-1998 include yearbook as the Aug. issue; 1999-2005 include yearbook as the Dec. issue; 2006- include yearbook as issue 6 of each year. Title of yearbook varies slightly: called Nonwovens yearbook, <1982>-1986; Nonwovens report yearbook, 1987-2004; Nonwovens report international yearbook, 2005-
- Asia and the Far East directory is included in: June issue, 2003-2004; Aug. issue, 2005; issue 4, 2006-2007; yearbook issue includes European nonwovens directory, 2003-
- Whole numbering ends with no. 377, Aug. 2002; issues identified by date only, Oct. 2002-2005; by issue and year, 2006-
- File Type (note)
- Text (electronic journal).
- Source of Description (note)
- Latest issue consulted: 2017.
- 0953-1092
- sn 86020321
- ssj0000825660
- Title
Nonwovens report international [electronic resource].
- Imprint
<-Aug. 1994> : Stockport, Cheshire, UK : Nonwovens Report International
- Earlier Publisher
<Aug. 1995-> : Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK : World Textile Publications Ltd.
- Current Publisher
<2017-> : Leeds : World Textile Information Network
- Current Frequency
Six issues yearly, 2003-
- Former Frequency
Monthly, -Aug. 2002
- Access
License restrictions may limit access.
- Numbering
Volumes for <1982>-1998 include yearbook as the Aug. issue; 1999-2005 include yearbook as the Dec. issue; 2006- include yearbook as issue 6 of each year. Title of yearbook varies slightly: called Nonwovens yearbook, <1982>-1986; Nonwovens report yearbook, 1987-2004; Nonwovens report international yearbook, 2005-
Asia and the Far East directory is included in: June issue, 2003-2004; Aug. issue, 2005; issue 4, 2006-2007; yearbook issue includes European nonwovens directory, 2003-
Whole numbering ends with no. 377, Aug. 2002; issues identified by date only, Oct. 2002-2005; by issue and year, 2006-
- File Type
Text (electronic journal).
- Note
Latest issue consulted: 2017.
- Connect to:
- Abbreviated Title
Nonwovens rep. int.
- Added Title
Nonwovens yearbook.
Nonwovens report yearbook.
Nonwovens report international yearbook.
- Continues
Nonwovens report