- Additional Authors
- Northeast Fisheries Science Center (U.S.), issuing body.
- Description
- 1 online resource (volumes).
- Series Statement
- -2017: Northeast Fisheries Science Center reference document
- 2018- NOAA technical memorandum NMFS-NE
- Uniform Title
- Northeast Fisheries Science Center reference document.
- NOAA technical memorandum NMFS-NE.
- Alternative Title
- Discard esti. precis. sample size anal. 14 fed. manag. species groups Northeast reg.
- Discard estimation, precision, and sample size analyses for 14 federally managed species groups in the Northeast region
- ... discard estimation, precision, and sample size analyses for 14 federally managed species groups in the waters off the Northeastern United States
- Subject
- Source of Description (note)
- 2020 (NOAA Fisheries, viewed Jan. 28, 2021).
- Call Number
- GPO Internet C 55.13/2-8
- 2767-0090
- 2021234754
- marcive1233178421
- Title
... discard estimation, precision, and sample size analyses for 14 federally managed species groups in the Northeast region.
- Publisher
Woods Hole, MA : US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
- Current Frequency
- Type of Content
- Type of Medium
- Type of Carrier
online resource
- Series
-2017: Northeast Fisheries Science Center reference document
2018- NOAA technical memorandum NMFS-NE
Northeast Fisheries Science Center reference document.
NOAA technical memorandum NMFS-NE.
- Source of description
2012; title from PDF title page (GPO, viewed Jan 28, 2021).
- Latest issue consulted
2020 (NOAA Fisheries, viewed Jan. 28, 2021).
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Northeast Fisheries Science Center (U.S.), issuing body.
- Abbreviated Title
Discard esti. precis. sample size anal. 14 fed. manag. species groups Northeast reg.
- Note
Volumes for 2014- have title: ... discard estimation, precision, and sample size analyses for 14 federally managed species groups in the waters off the Northeastern United States
- Gpo Item No.
0609-D (online)
0208-C-28 (online)
- Sudoc No.
C 55.352:
C 55.13/2-8: