- Additional Authors
- Description
- 161 pages; 15 cm
- Alternative Title
- Phenomenology of the city: philosophical vs. historical aspects : proceedings of the All-Russian scientific seminar with international participation (Cherepovets, June 28-30, 2019)
- Subjects
- 9785853418769
- 1299395B
- Title
Fenomenologii︠a︡ goroda : filosofskie vs. istoricheskie aspekty : materialy Vserossiĭskogo (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem) mezhdist︠s︡iplinarnogo nauchno-teoreticheskogo seminara (Cherepovet︠s︡, 28-30 ii︠u︡ni︠a︡ 2019 g.) = Phenomenology of the city: philosophical vs. historical aspects : proceedings of the All-Russian scientific seminar with international participation (Cherepovets, June 28-30, 2019) / Otvetstvennyĭ redaktor: O.I︠U︡. Solodi︠a︡nkina.
- Alternate Script for Title
Феноменология города : философские vs. исторические аспекты : материалы Всероссийского (с международным участием) междисциплинарного научно-теоретического семинара (Череповец, 28-30 июня 2019 г.) = Phenomenology of the city: philosophical vs. historical aspects : proceedings of the All-Russian scientific seminar with international participation (Cherepovets, June 28-30, 2019) / Ответственный редактор: О.Ю. Солодянкина.
- Publisher
Cherepovet︠s︡ : Cherepovet︠s︡kiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet, 2019.
- Alternate Script for Publisher
Череповец : Череповецкий государственный университет, 2019.
- Type of Content
- Type of Medium
- Type of Carrier
- Indexed Term
History (General)
Urbanization. City and country.
- Added Author
Solodi︠a︡nkina, O. I︠U︡., editor.
- Alternate Script for Added Author
Солодянкина, О. Ю., editor.