Research Catalog

Broadway Bares X: 10 years of sass, class and ass

Broadway Bares X: 10 years of sass, class and ass [videorecording]/ Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS presents ; producer, Michael Graziano ; conceived, directed and choreographed by Jerry Mitchell ; co-director/co-choreographer, Jodi Moccia ; co-choreographer, Sergio Trujillo ; [video director] Bradshaw Smith ; [video prod. company] Broadway Beat.
New York, c2001.

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StatusFormatAccessCall NumberItem Location
Moving imageRestricted use NCOV 2783Performing Arts Research Collections - TOFT


Additional Authors
  • Graziano, Michael
  • Mitchell, Jerry, 1960-
  • Moccia, Jodie
  • Trujillo, Sergio (Choreographer)
  • Shapiro, David F.
  • Sicangco, Eduardo
  • Lee, Chris
  • Harrington, Wendall K.
  • McGee, Robin L. (Robin Lynn), 1961-
  • Harrison, Christopher
  • Bantay, John
  • Opsahl, Jason
  • Bassett, Jason
  • Becker, Bonnie L.
  • Briggs, Erica
  • Davis, Brooke
  • Francis, Clay
  • Gilinsky, Bill
  • Haynes, Michail
  • Hedley, Nevin
  • Iacucci, Lisa
  • Newhouse, Kristin
  • O'Byrne, Jennifer
  • Powell, Paul
  • Smith, Brendan
  • Steiger, Rick
  • Hammond, Blake
  • White, Lillias
  • Eder, Linda
  • Alexander, Stephan
  • Alipio, Derrick
  • Armitage, Robert M.
  • August, Dave
  • Austin, Carrie Ellen
  • Autor, Darrell
  • Bailey, Adrian
  • Baquerot, Aliane
  • Bendul, Kristine
  • Blanco, María
  • Borzotta, Peter
  • Burgess, Troy Allan
  • Burke, Tim
  • Burns, Bill
  • Burrows, Kevin M.
  • Butler, Gregory
  • Campanella, Stephen
  • Carabeo, Charlene
  • Carter, Caitlin
  • Hall, Lena
  • Casimano, Buddy
  • Chan, Eric
  • Cheng, Andrew
  • Christian, Karl
  • Clippinger, Jennifer
  • Cochran, Tom
  • Cody, Jennifer
  • Cooley, Ann
  • Creelman, Patric
  • Cruikshank, Holly
  • Curry, Rosa
  • Daniel, Lenny
  • Davis, Christopher F.
  • Davis, Mindy Paige
  • Delmonico, Brian
  • DiGianfelice, Teri
  • DiGrazia, Sandor
  • Dotson, Bernard
  • Dougherty, Jason
  • Duarte, Desiree
  • Dunn, Sally Mae
  • Dupré, Chris Payne
  • Elder, David (Vocalist)
  • Elsass, Jeffrey
  • Eng, Vivien
  • Ferreira, Carlos A.
  • Flowers, Ramon
  • Foret, Nicole
  • Frankel, Jennifer
  • Frietas, Mikala
  • Ganun, John
  • Garcia, Jason
  • Geraghty, Shane
  • German, Vinson
  • Ghannam, Miguel
  • Gigl, Aloysius
  • Godineaux, Edgar
  • Goldman, Nina (Ballet dancer)
  • Goodwin, Deidre
  • Goss, Derrick
  • Gregory, Christopher
  • Grenfell, Katy
  • Hadley, James
  • Hammons, Shannon
  • Harris, Derric
  • Harris, Bruce
  • Hester, Kimberly
  • Holt, Charles
  • Horii, Tina
  • Howell, J. Todd
  • James, Tony (Dancer)
  • Jones, Samuel Moses
  • Kittrell, Michelle
  • Klebba, Martin
  • Kress, Nkosi
  • LaCause, Sebastian
  • Lambert, Troy
  • Lamontagne, Christopher
  • Lamontagne, Susan
  • Lane, Ken
  • Lear, Richard
  • Lentz, Peter
  • Lepere, Sara
  • Levering, Kate
  • Loeffler, Brian
  • Lusk, Mark Mackay
  • MacGillivray, David
  • Mastacusa, Richie
  • McColeman, Danielle
  • Meadows, Hannah
  • Michels, Stephanie
  • Migge, Ryan
  • Miguel, Mayumi
  • Millegan, Eric, 1974-
  • Murphy, Kathryn Mowat
  • Mowery, Rusty
  • Mullaney, Patrick
  • Musgrove, Brad
  • Nelson, Sarah Jane
  • Newborn, Karine
  • Newborn, Phineas, III
  • Newman, Jennifer
  • Onrubia, Cynthia
  • Patek, Liz
  • Philips, Arté
  • Philistine, Gina
  • Radcliffe, Tara
  • Rak, Rachelle
  • Reid, Keenah
  • Reid, T. Oliver
  • Rembert, Jermaine R.
  • Remler, Pamela
  • Rhodes, Josh
  • Riley, Blake
  • Roe, Libby
  • Rosen, Roger
  • Ross, Joanna
  • Rychlec, Dan
  • Sako-Glover, Lisa
  • Savant, Joseph
  • Schworer, Angie L., 1965-
  • Scott, Michael Lee
  • Selma, Alexander
  • Semin, Sasha
  • Serapiglia, Michael
  • Sierra, Carlos
  • Spinosa, Tony
  • Standard, Kia
  • Stec, Alyssa
  • Steibl, H. Eric
  • Stuart, Gregory K.
  • Suckling, Jenny-Lynn
  • Swezey, Ric
  • Tabandera, Natasha
  • Terranova, P. J.
  • Thomas, Vanessa
  • Torres, María
  • Turner, Don
  • Urbina, Jillana
  • Vaillancourt, Angela
  • Vargo, Matthew J.
  • Verastique, Rocker
  • Vexler, Aaron
  • Villabon, Luis
  • Villaanueva, Erico
  • Von Essen, Max
  • Voss, Jennifer
  • Warden, Karl
  • Warfield, Russell
  • West, Charles
  • Wilson, Keith
  • Witherspoon, Randy
  • Yasunaga, Christine
  • Vilanch, Bruce
  • Fisher, Joely, 1967-
  • Cumming, Alan, 1965-
  • Ridge, Richie
  • Smith, Bradshaw
  • AntiGravity Dance Company.
  • Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (Organization), producer.
  • Broadway Beat (Firm)
  • Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (Organization), donor.
1 videocassette (VHS) (90 min.) : sound, color; 1/2 in.
Series Statement
Broadway bares
Alternative Title
2000 Broadway Bares
  • Mitchell, Jerry, 1960- > Interviews
  • Cody, Jennifer > Interviews
  • Urbina, Jillana > Interviews
  • Onrubia, Cynthia > Interviews
  • Graziano, Michael > Interviews
  • Eder, Linda > Interviews
  • Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (Organization)
  • Musical theater > New York (State) > New York
  • Theatrical productions > New York (State) > New York > 1991-2000
  • Musicals.
  • Dance.
  • No credits on tape. Production information gathered from the files of the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive.
  • Before the show, Richard Ridge interviews several participants. Interviewees include Jerry Mitchell, Jennifer Cody, Jillana Urbina, Cynthia Onrubia, Michael Graziano, and Linda Eder. This segment runs about 6:20 minutes.
  • Although it was recorded in 2000, this video was copyrighted in 2001.
Access (note)
  • Restricted to qualified researchers.
Credits (note)
  • Sound design, David Shapiro ; scenic design, Eduardo Sicangco ; lighting design, Chris Lee ; projections, Wendall K. Harrington ; costume design, Robin L. McGee ; choreographers for AntiGravity, Chris Harrison and John Bantay ; rotation specialist, Jason Opsahl ; stage managers, Jason Bassett, Bonnie L. Becker, Erica Briggs, Brooke Davis, Clay Francis, Bill Gilinsky, Michail Haynes, Nevin Hedley, Lisa Iacucci, Kristen Newhouse, Jennifer O'Byrne, Paul Powell, Brendan Smith, and Rick Steiger.
Performer (note)
  • Featured performers: Jason Opsahl, the AntiGravity Dance Company, Blake Hammond, Lillias White, and Linda Eder.
  • Dancers: Stephan Alexander, Derrick Alipio, Robert M. Armitage, Dave August, Carrie Ellen Austin, Darrell Autor, Adrian Bailey, John Bantay, Aliane Baquerot, Kristine Bendul, Maria Blanco, Peter Borzotta, Troy Burgess, Tim Burke, Bill Burns, Kevin Burrows, Gregory Butler, Stephen Campanella, Charlene Carabeo, Caitlin Carter, Celina Carvajal, Buddy Casimano, Eric Chan, Andrew Cheng, Karl Christian, Jennifer Clippinger, Tom Cochran, Jennifer Cody, Ann Cooley, Patric Creelman, Holly Cruikshank, Rosa Curry, Lenny Daniel, Christopher F. Davis, Mindy Paige Davis, Brian Delmonico, Teri DiGianfelice, Sandor DiGrazia, Bernard Dotson, Jason Dougherty, Desiree Duarte, Sally Mae Dunn, Chris Payne Dupré, David Elder, Jeffrey Elsass, Vivien Eng, Carlos Ferreira, Ramon Flowers, Nicole Foret, Jennifer Frankel, Mikala Frietas, John Ganun, Jason Garcia, Shane Geraghty, Vinson German, Miguel Ghannam, Aloysius Gigl, Edgar Godineaux, Nina Goldman, Deidre Goodwin, Derrick Goss, Chris Gregory, Katy Grenfell, James Hadley, Shannon Hammons, Derric Harris, Bruce Harris, Kimberly Hester, Charles Holt, Tina Horii, J. Todd Howell, Tony James, Samuel Moses Jones, Michelle Kittrell, Martin Klebba, Nkosi Kress, Sebastian LaCause, Troy Lambert, Chris Lamontagne, Susan Lamontagne, Ken Lane, Richard Lear, Peter Lentz, Sara Lepere, Kate Levering, Brian Loeffler, Mark Mackay Lusk, David MacGillivray, Richie Mastacusa, Danielle McColeman, Hannah Meadows, Stephanie Michels, Ryan Migge, Mayumi Miguel, Eric Millegan, Kathryn Mowat Murphy, Rusty Mowery, Patrick Mullaney, Brad Musgrove, Sarah Jane Nelson, Karine Newborn, Phineas Newborn III, Jennifer Newman, Cynthia Onrubia, Liz Patek, Arte Philips, Gina Philistine, Tara Radcliffe, Rachelle Rak, Keenah Reid, T. Oliver Reid, Jermaine Rembert, Pam Remler, Josh Rhodes, Blake Riley, Libby Roe, Roger Rosen, Joanna Ross, Dan Rychlec, Lisa Sako-Glover, Joe Savant, Angie Schworer, Michael Lee Scott, Alexander Selma, Sasha Semin, Michael Serapiglia, Carlos Sierra, Tony Spinosa, Kia Standard, Alyssa Stec, H. Eric Steibl, Gregory K. Stuart, Jenny-Lynn Suckling, Ric Swezey, Natasha Tabandera, PJ Terranova, Vanessa Thomas, Maria Torres, Don Turner, Jillana Urbina, Angela Vaillancourt, Matthew Vargo, Rocker Verastique, Aaron Vexler, Luis Villabon, Erico Villanueva, Max Von Essen, Jennifer Voss, Karl Warden, Russell Warfield, Charles West, Keith Wilson, Randy Witherspoon, Christine Yasunaga.
  • Speakers: Jerry Mitchell, Bruce Vilanch, Joely Fisher, and Alan Cumming.
Event (note)
  • Videotaped at Roseland Ballroom, New York, N.Y., June 11, 2000.
Call Number
NCOV 2783
Broadway Bares X: 10 years of sass, class and ass [videorecording]/ Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS presents ; producer, Michael Graziano ; conceived, directed and choreographed by Jerry Mitchell ; co-director/co-choreographer, Jodi Moccia ; co-choreographer, Sergio Trujillo ; [video director] Bradshaw Smith ; [video prod. company] Broadway Beat.
New York, c2001.
Type of Content
two-dimensional moving image
Type of Medium
Type of Carrier
Broadway bares
Restricted to qualified researchers.
Sound design, David Shapiro ; scenic design, Eduardo Sicangco ; lighting design, Chris Lee ; projections, Wendall K. Harrington ; costume design, Robin L. McGee ; choreographers for AntiGravity, Chris Harrison and John Bantay ; rotation specialist, Jason Opsahl ; stage managers, Jason Bassett, Bonnie L. Becker, Erica Briggs, Brooke Davis, Clay Francis, Bill Gilinsky, Michail Haynes, Nevin Hedley, Lisa Iacucci, Kristen Newhouse, Jennifer O'Byrne, Paul Powell, Brendan Smith, and Rick Steiger.
Featured performers: Jason Opsahl, the AntiGravity Dance Company, Blake Hammond, Lillias White, and Linda Eder.
Dancers: Stephan Alexander, Derrick Alipio, Robert M. Armitage, Dave August, Carrie Ellen Austin, Darrell Autor, Adrian Bailey, John Bantay, Aliane Baquerot, Kristine Bendul, Maria Blanco, Peter Borzotta, Troy Burgess, Tim Burke, Bill Burns, Kevin Burrows, Gregory Butler, Stephen Campanella, Charlene Carabeo, Caitlin Carter, Celina Carvajal, Buddy Casimano, Eric Chan, Andrew Cheng, Karl Christian, Jennifer Clippinger, Tom Cochran, Jennifer Cody, Ann Cooley, Patric Creelman, Holly Cruikshank, Rosa Curry, Lenny Daniel, Christopher F. Davis, Mindy Paige Davis, Brian Delmonico, Teri DiGianfelice, Sandor DiGrazia, Bernard Dotson, Jason Dougherty, Desiree Duarte, Sally Mae Dunn, Chris Payne Dupré, David Elder, Jeffrey Elsass, Vivien Eng, Carlos Ferreira, Ramon Flowers, Nicole Foret, Jennifer Frankel, Mikala Frietas, John Ganun, Jason Garcia, Shane Geraghty, Vinson German, Miguel Ghannam, Aloysius Gigl, Edgar Godineaux, Nina Goldman, Deidre Goodwin, Derrick Goss, Chris Gregory, Katy Grenfell, James Hadley, Shannon Hammons, Derric Harris, Bruce Harris, Kimberly Hester, Charles Holt, Tina Horii, J. Todd Howell, Tony James, Samuel Moses Jones, Michelle Kittrell, Martin Klebba, Nkosi Kress, Sebastian LaCause, Troy Lambert, Chris Lamontagne, Susan Lamontagne, Ken Lane, Richard Lear, Peter Lentz, Sara Lepere, Kate Levering, Brian Loeffler, Mark Mackay Lusk, David MacGillivray, Richie Mastacusa, Danielle McColeman, Hannah Meadows, Stephanie Michels, Ryan Migge, Mayumi Miguel, Eric Millegan, Kathryn Mowat Murphy, Rusty Mowery, Patrick Mullaney, Brad Musgrove, Sarah Jane Nelson, Karine Newborn, Phineas Newborn III, Jennifer Newman, Cynthia Onrubia, Liz Patek, Arte Philips, Gina Philistine, Tara Radcliffe, Rachelle Rak, Keenah Reid, T. Oliver Reid, Jermaine Rembert, Pam Remler, Josh Rhodes, Blake Riley, Libby Roe, Roger Rosen, Joanna Ross, Dan Rychlec, Lisa Sako-Glover, Joe Savant, Angie Schworer, Michael Lee Scott, Alexander Selma, Sasha Semin, Michael Serapiglia, Carlos Sierra, Tony Spinosa, Kia Standard, Alyssa Stec, H. Eric Steibl, Gregory K. Stuart, Jenny-Lynn Suckling, Ric Swezey, Natasha Tabandera, PJ Terranova, Vanessa Thomas, Maria Torres, Don Turner, Jillana Urbina, Angela Vaillancourt, Matthew Vargo, Rocker Verastique, Aaron Vexler, Luis Villabon, Erico Villanueva, Max Von Essen, Jennifer Voss, Karl Warden, Russell Warfield, Charles West, Keith Wilson, Randy Witherspoon, Christine Yasunaga.
Speakers: Jerry Mitchell, Bruce Vilanch, Joely Fisher, and Alan Cumming.
Videotaped at Roseland Ballroom, New York, N.Y., June 11, 2000.
Local Note
Gift of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
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Request Access to Theatre on Film and Tape Archive Special Collections material
Added Author
Graziano, Michael, producer.
Graziano, Michael, interviewee.
Mitchell, Jerry, 1960- director.
Mitchell, Jerry, 1960- choreographer.
Mitchell, Jerry, 1960- speaker.
Mitchell, Jerry, 1960- interviewee.
Moccia, Jodie, choreographer.
Trujillo, Sergio (Choreographer)
Shapiro, David F., sound designer.
Sicangco, Eduardo, set designer.
Lee, Chris, lighting designer.
Harrington, Wendall K., projection design.
McGee, Robin L. (Robin Lynn), 1961- costume designer.
Harrison, Christopher, choreographer.
Bantay, John, choreographer.
Bantay, John, performer.
Opsahl, Jason, production personnel.
Opsahl, Jason, performer.
Bassett, Jason, stage manager.
Becker, Bonnie L., stage manager.
Briggs, Erica, stage manager.
Davis, Brooke, stage manager.
Francis, Clay, stage manager.
Gilinsky, Bill, stage manager.
Haynes, Michail, stage manager.
Hedley, Nevin, stage manager.
Iacucci, Lisa, stage manager.
Newhouse, Kristin, stage manager.
O'Byrne, Jennifer, stage manager.
Powell, Paul, stage manager.
Smith, Brendan, stage manager.
Steiger, Rick, stage manager.
Hammond, Blake, performer.
White, Lillias, performer.
Eder, Linda, performer.
Eder, Linda, interviewee.
Alexander, Stephan, performer.
Alipio, Derrick, performer.
Armitage, Robert M., performer.
August, Dave, performer.
Austin, Carrie Ellen, performer.
Autor, Darrell, performer.
Bailey, Adrian, performer.
Baquerot, Aliane, performer.
Bendul, Kristine, performer.
Blanco, María, performer.
Borzotta, Peter, performer.
Burgess, Troy Allan, performer.
Burke, Tim, performer.
Burns, Bill, performer.
Burrows, Kevin M., performer.
Butler, Gregory, performer.
Campanella, Stephen, performer.
Carabeo, Charlene, performer.
Carter, Caitlin, performer.
Hall, Lena, performer.
Casimano, Buddy, performer.
Chan, Eric, performer.
Cheng, Andrew, performer.
Christian, Karl, performer.
Clippinger, Jennifer, performer.
Cochran, Tom, performer.
Cody, Jennifer, performer.
Cody, Jennifer, interviewee.
Cooley, Ann, performer.
Creelman, Patric, performer.
Cruikshank, Holly, performer.
Curry, Rosa, performer.
Daniel, Lenny, performer.
Davis, Christopher F., performer.
Davis, Mindy Paige, performer.
Delmonico, Brian, performer.
DiGianfelice, Teri, performer.
DiGrazia, Sandor, performer.
Dotson, Bernard, performer.
Dougherty, Jason, performer.
Duarte, Desiree, performer.
Dunn, Sally Mae, performer.
Dupré, Chris Payne, performer.
Elder, David (Vocalist), performer.
Elsass, Jeffrey, performer.
Eng, Vivien, performer.
Ferreira, Carlos A., performer.
Flowers, Ramon, performer.
Foret, Nicole, performer.
Frankel, Jennifer, performer.
Frietas, Mikala, performer.
Ganun, John, performer.
Garcia, Jason, performer.
Geraghty, Shane, performer.
German, Vinson, performer.
Ghannam, Miguel, performer.
Gigl, Aloysius, performer.
Godineaux, Edgar, performer.
Goldman, Nina (Ballet dancer), performer.
Goodwin, Deidre, performer.
Goss, Derrick, performer.
Gregory, Christopher, performer.
Grenfell, Katy, performer.
Hadley, James, performer.
Hammons, Shannon, performer.
Harris, Derric, performer.
Harris, Bruce, performer.
Hester, Kimberly, performer.
Holt, Charles, performer.
Horii, Tina, performer.
Howell, J. Todd, performer.
James, Tony (Dancer), performer.
Jones, Samuel Moses, performer.
Kittrell, Michelle, performer.
Klebba, Martin, performer.
Kress, Nkosi, performer.
LaCause, Sebastian, performer.
Lambert, Troy, performer.
Lamontagne, Christopher, performer.
Lamontagne, Susan, performer.
Lane, Ken, performer.
Lear, Richard, performer.
Lentz, Peter, performer.
Lepere, Sara, performer.
Levering, Kate, performer.
Loeffler, Brian, performer.
Lusk, Mark Mackay, performer.
MacGillivray, David, performer.
Mastacusa, Richie, performer.
McColeman, Danielle, performer.
Meadows, Hannah, performer.
Michels, Stephanie, performer.
Migge, Ryan, performer.
Miguel, Mayumi, performer.
Millegan, Eric, 1974- performer.
Murphy, Kathryn Mowat, performer.
Mowery, Rusty, performer.
Mullaney, Patrick, performer.
Musgrove, Brad, performer.
Nelson, Sarah Jane, performer.
Newborn, Karine, performer.
Newborn, Phineas, III, performer.
Newman, Jennifer, performer.
Onrubia, Cynthia, performer.
Onrubia, Cynthia, interviewee.
Patek, Liz, performer.
Philips, Arté, performer.
Philistine, Gina, performer.
Radcliffe, Tara, performer.
Rak, Rachelle, performer.
Reid, Keenah, performer.
Reid, T. Oliver, performer.
Rembert, Jermaine R., performer.
Remler, Pamela, performer.
Rhodes, Josh, performer.
Riley, Blake, performer.
Roe, Libby, performer.
Rosen, Roger, performer.
Ross, Joanna, performer.
Rychlec, Dan, performer.
Sako-Glover, Lisa, performer.
Savant, Joseph, performer.
Schworer, Angie L., 1965- performer.
Scott, Michael Lee, performer.
Selma, Alexander, performer.
Semin, Sasha, performer.
Serapiglia, Michael, performer.
Sierra, Carlos, performer.
Spinosa, Tony, performer.
Standard, Kia, performer.
Stec, Alyssa, performer.
Steibl, H. Eric, performer.
Stuart, Gregory K., performer.
Suckling, Jenny-Lynn, performer.
Swezey, Ric, performer.
Tabandera, Natasha, performer.
Terranova, P. J., performer.
Thomas, Vanessa, performer.
Torres, María, performer.
Turner, Don, performer.
Urbina, Jillana, performer.
Urbina, Jillana, interviewee.
Vaillancourt, Angela, performer.
Vargo, Matthew J., performer.
Verastique, Rocker, performer.
Vexler, Aaron, performer.
Villabon, Luis, performer.
Villaanueva, Erico, performer.
Von Essen, Max, performer.
Voss, Jennifer, performer.
Warden, Karl, performer.
Warfield, Russell, performer.
West, Charles, performer.
Wilson, Keith, performer.
Witherspoon, Randy, performer.
Yasunaga, Christine, performer.
Vilanch, Bruce, speaker.
Fisher, Joely, 1967- speaker.
Cumming, Alan, 1965- speaker.
Ridge, Richie, interviewer.
Smith, Bradshaw, videographer.
AntiGravity Dance Company.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (Organization), producer.
Broadway Beat (Firm)
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (Organization), donor.
Research Call Number
NCOV 2783
View in Legacy Catalog