Research Catalog

Frontiers in sustainable cities

Frontiers in sustainable cities [electronic resource].
Lausanne : Frontiers Media S.A., 2019-

Available Online

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Additional Authors
Frontiers Research Foundation.
Publication Date
Began with volume 1, article 1 (16 May 2019).
"Frontiers in Sustainable Cities aims to develop a multi-disciplinary academic approach to life in contemporary and future urban environments. The journal publishes rigorously peer-reviewed, cutting-edge research on a broad range of topics, from engineering and urban studies to social sciences, with a focus on achieving sustainable living processes within future urban landscapes (in line with SDGs). To achieve resilience, environmental health, people's inclusion, equality and healthy living in the face of the severe economical and environmental challenges facing the world today, international collaboration across all disciplines is required, including aspects on energy engineering, human geography and economics, architecture, governance and political science, public health, natural and behavioural science."
Uniform Title
Frontiers in sustainable cities (Online)
Alternative Title
  • Front. sustain. cities
  • Frontiers in sustainable cities
  • Frsc
  • City planning > Environmental aspects > Periodicals
  • Sustainable urban development > Periodicals
  • Articles are published online once they pass review by the editorial board.
Access (note)
  • License restrictions may limit access.
Numbering (note)
  • The volume to which an article belongs is determined by the date of acceptance, rather than the date of publication (e.g. the article accepted 16 December 2020 and published 28 January 2021 belongs to volume 2, rather than volume 3).
  • Articles within each volume have consecutive numbering, based on date of acceptance, up to volume 2, article 45 (16 September 2020), after which individual articles are given six digit numbers corresponding to the article's doi (e.g. volume 2, article 492866 (16 October 2020)).
File Type (note)
  • Text (electronic journal).
Source of Description (note)
  • Volume 3, article 690927 (1 July 2021), viewed July 6, 2021.
Frontiers in sustainable cities [electronic resource].
Lausanne : Frontiers Media S.A., 2019-
Current Frequency
License restrictions may limit access.
The volume to which an article belongs is determined by the date of acceptance, rather than the date of publication (e.g. the article accepted 16 December 2020 and published 28 January 2021 belongs to volume 2, rather than volume 3).
Articles within each volume have consecutive numbering, based on date of acceptance, up to volume 2, article 45 (16 September 2020), after which individual articles are given six digit numbers corresponding to the article's doi (e.g. volume 2, article 492866 (16 October 2020)).
File Type
Text (electronic journal).
Source of description
Volume 1, article 1 (16 May 2019); title from publisher's website, viewed July 6, 2021.
Latest issue consulted
Volume 3, article 690927 (1 July 2021), viewed July 6, 2021.
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Available from home with a valid library card
Added Author
Frontiers Research Foundation.
Abbreviated Title
Front. sustain. cities
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