- Description
- 319 pages; 25 cm
- Subject
- Language (note)
- 9787551433105
- 2495479B
- Author
Li, Huiying, author.
- Alternate Script for Author
李慧颖, author.
- Title
Chuang xin, tan suo : dui dian ying biao yan jiao xue gai ge chuang xin de yi ci chang shi / Li Huiying.
- Alternate Script for Title
创新, 探索 : 对电影表演教学改革创新的一次尝试 / 李慧颖.
- Publisher
Hangzhou : Zhejiang she ying chu ban she, 2021.
- Alternate Script for Publisher
杭州 : 浙江摄影出版社, 2021.
- Type of Content
- Type of Medium
- Type of Carrier
- Language
In Chinese.
- Indexed Term
Cinematography. Motion pictures.
Higher education.
The performing arts. Show business.
Theory and practice of education.