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Open semiotics

Open semiotics / Amir Biglari.
  • Paris : L'Harmattan, 2023.
  • ©2023

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Additional Authors
Biglari, Amir
volume : illustrations; 24 cm.
"Given that signs and meanings pervade the world in its different aspects, semiotics is naturally open to interactions with other fields, from the humanities and social sciences to the natural and pure sciences. Open Semiotics aims to explore and expand these interactions, and to facilitate new avenues for interdiscipiinary and transdisciplinary research, providing insights into a redeployment of disciplinary fields. Such an endeavor, which is intended to benefit the entire scientific community, has drawn upon extensive cooperation. This has resuited in 141 chapters authored by 178 scholars from 58 countries spanning all continents, which represent a broad array of trends and approaches as well as numerous and diverse disciplinary crossings. Open Semiotics comprises four volumes : Epistemological and Conceptual Foundations, Culture and Society, (3) Texts, Images, Arts, (4) Life and its Extensions. This book is the fourth and last volume of the project."--Page 4 of cover.
  • volume 2. Culture and society. 2023 - 585 pages
  • Volume 1 Epistemological and Conceptual Foundations -- General introduction -- Pt. 1. Semiotics without Borders -- Semiotics as a universal solvent for the disciplines? -- Crossing boundaries of disciplines : Towards transdisciplinarity of De-sign -- Systems semiotics : A transdisciplinary framework for informational relations in natural and artificial systems -- Peirce's semiotics as a framework for interdisciplinary research -- Semiotics, a discipline for understanding the human condition -- Towards an open semiotics of friendship -- Towards an open semiotic toolbox -- Towards an open semiotics of passions -- Pt. 2. Rethinking Sign and Meaning -- Self-similar structure of sign systems : Not a metaphor -- Semiotic patterns : How we can deflate and extend sign theory -- The pragmatic theory of signs as a strategy for developing unlimited semiosis -- Peircean reflections on open semiotics : Semiosis, continuity, and closure -- Peircean semiosis as the transformation of energy and matter -- Semiotics of experience : Interpreting the world with habits and practices -- Signal, symptom, and model : A new understanding of indexes and their interdisciplinary correlations -- Information in the light of Peirce's ten classes of signs -- Can a sign lose its reference ? Some notes on the objects in Peirce's semiotics -- Signs of the muses : Feeling, emotion, and inference -- Semiotics of time in communication relations -- The semiotic graph : An integrative method of creatively using signs -- Meaning and semiosis : To know is by necessity purposeful -- Pt. 3. Semiotics and Philosophy -- The semiotician as underlabourer : Foundations for a post-foundational age -- The need for a semiotic turn in science, religion, and philosophy -- Philosophy as semiotics : An overview of Peirce's semiosis -- Iconicity and mimicry : From philosophy to semiotics -- Semiotics and the decentering subject -- Sartrean analysis of emotions seen through the lens of existential semiotics -- Resemblance and contiguity in identity relations : A contribution to semiotic phenomenology -- Semiotics and posthumanism -- Pt. 4. Semiotics and Mathematics -- Semiotics of mathematics : The operativity and performativity of mathematical signs -- Applying semiotic opposition theory to mathematics -- Iconographic and mathematical models in semiotics : From the zunformedy to Peirce's zskeleton-setsy -- Semiotics as an orientation in mathematics education -- Pt. 5. Semiotics and Computing -- Computer semiotics and semiotic engineering -- Modelling computational semiotics as semiotics of computer systems -- Semiotics of the language of object-oriented program design -- Abstracts -- Volume 2 Culture and Society -- General introduction -- Pt. 1. Semiotics, Culture, History -- Cultural semiotics for action research -- Cultural markedness : From binary opposition to tripartite shifting -- Ethics and morality as choice and act-oriented semiospheres of culture -- Semiotics and cultural affect theory -- Semiotics and cultural geography : An interdisciplinary approach to the built environment -- Semiotics of African culture : The case of the Dzi'i-ba'a in the Mekuk tribe in Cameroon -- The role of semiotics in visual cultural communication : The case of BaTonga of Zimbabwe -- Semiotics of time in the conceptualisation of religions as sociocultural practices -- The semiotic significance of zChanging with Timey theory in Zhou Yi -- Signs in time : The semiotics of history and historiography -- Ethnosemiology and history -- Pt. 2. Semiotics and Social Domains -- Social semiotics as an interdisciplinary practice -- Articulation of semiotic systems with society -- Semiotics and urban sociology : The case of metacity -- Semiotics of mass shootings : A semanalytic perspective on community violence -- Pandemic semiosphere and global network : The space turn in the Juri Lotman's model -- Spheroid socio-semiotics, or Professor Lotman gœs to a football game -- Semiotics of a possible world : The case of baseball -- Semiotics of affect : Popular events, spectators, and the experience economy -- Semiotics of zmatteringy : Affect, discourse, and materiality in the time of pandemic -- Political narratives, emotions, and multimodality : For an open social semiotics -- Semiotics of names and logos of political parties in Nigeria -- The main methodological approaches in the semiotics of law and their application in jurisprudence -- Pt. 3. Semiotics, Communication, Media -- The life of bits in society : For a semiotics of digital media and communication -- Transmedia turn and translector in fabula : Semiotics and narratology -- Materialist semiotics and hyperreality in the digital age : Finding the substance of the expression -- Semiotics of n-spaces : A multimedia perspective on virtual environments -- Open source, open texts, open worlds : Multimodal semiosis in critical remix games -- Part IV. Semiotics, Learning, Education Semiotics and the learning sciences in the analysis of everyday activity -- Semiotic design for online learning environments -- Learning as sign-making : A social semiotic view of education -- Semiotics in educational discourse : Thinking formation and organizational structures -- Pt. 5. Semiotics, Economy, Business -- Economies of meaning : Semiotics, modernism, and consumerist economics in China and the West -- Semiotic insights on fiat money and digital currencies -- Organisational semiotics for business informatics : Making sense of data in the interplay between the physical and the digital worlds -- Abstracts -- Volume 3 Texts, Images, Arts -- General introduction -- Pt. 1. Semiotics and Text Studies -- Back to the text, or the relevance of semiotic analysis in contemporary literary studies -- The stylistics of value, between stylistics and semiotics : The unfinished work of Georges Molinié -- Pœtry through zoosemiotics -- (Bio)semiotics and (intersemiotic) translation : An open door or a closed book to each other ? -- Pt. 2. Semiotics and Image Studies -- The visual semiotics and rhetoric of Groupe μ : Opening a dialogue between linguistics, aesthetics, and cognitive science -- The concept of isotopy in the semiotic analysis of visual texts -- Semiotic structures of images in geography textbooks -- Crossing gazes between perception and semiosis : The construction of the observing-reader by verbal-visual agency -- Pt. 3. Semiotics and Art Theories -- Semiotics and art history : A genealogy of a difficult relationship -- Hypoiconicity : A contribution of Peircean semiotics to art history -- Intersemiotic translation as semiosis : A Peircean perspective on art -- Art and semiosis : The potential of abductive inference -- From the semiosis of aesthetic experience to the semiotics of aesthetic praxis -- Instability and aesthesia : Art, semiotics, and science edging catastrophe [theory] -- Semiotics and the anthropology of art : Alfred Gell's theoretical framework -- Pt. 4. Semiotics and Visual Arts -- Revisiting Peirce for a semiotics of architecture and design -- Contributions of Peircean semiotics to design education -- Architecture and design semiotics in the light of transformative futures -- Existential semiotics as a method for the analysis of architecture as an art form -- Semiotics and graphic design : The role and interaction of iconic, indexical, and symbolic elements -- Transmedial tropes : A semiotic excursion from the literary text to sculpture -- Pt. 5.
  • Semiotics and Performing Arts -- Performing arts in the light of existential semiotics -- Theater performance as unlimited semiosis -- Interface between semiotics and transmediality : The case of the performances by Alberto Kurapel -- Prolegomena to a semiotic approach to dancing -- Pt. 6. Semiotics and Film Studies -- Operationalizing film semiotics -- The space-time semiotics of film : From transmission to interactivity -- Neurofilmology : Semiotics, cognitivism, audiovisual experience -- The Semiotics of the shifting sensorium and audiovisual translation -- Semiotics of documentary : Pictures, diagrams, and the art of reasoning -- Pt. 7. Semiotics and Music -- Music semiotics on the crossroad of disciplines : Towards a future epistemology of music -- Fruitful intersections between music semiotics and other disciplines -- Semiotics in music theory context : Aspects of signification and transformation -- Existential semiotics reveals the essence of music -- For an extension of existential semiotics on music -- Abstracts -- Volume 4 Life and its Extensions -- General introduction -- Pt. 1. Semiotics and Biology -- Semiotics, biology, and ideology : Semiœthic reflections -- Biosemiotics as a metaphilosophical framework for the naturalized humanities -- Freedom in living beings : Arbitrariness and the forms of semiotic indeterminacy -- The primary biosemiosis : Symbol sequence grounding by folding -- Semiogenesis : Emergent signs in-tension among structure and openness -- Interspecies semiotics : Opening to the life of the other -- Pt. 2. Semiotics and Medicine -- Semiotic perspectives on person-centred approaches in medicine -- On the efficacy of semiotics for interpretation of a medical consultation -- Medical semiotics and the indexical designator : Can semiotics still have something to tell symptomatology ? -- Pt. 3. Semiotics and Psychology -- Semiosis in human development : Psychology, sign, artefact -- Semiotic regulation in human development : The psychology of bordering -- The contribution of semiotics to psychology : A focus on dynamic sense-making processes -- Edusemiotics and the psychology of the unconscious -- Semiotics in learning processes : From a teacher's textbook to students' knowledge in physics -- Naturalizing semiotics through ecological psychology : A framework for empirical studies of interpretation -- Semiotics, psychotherapy, and Levinas's ethics of zThe Othery -- The contribution of psychoanalysis and phenomenology to psychiatric semiology -- Pt. 4. Semiotics and Ethology -- Umwelt theory for practitioners : Semiotic guidelines for a more-than-human descriptive phenomenology -- The semiotic side of ethology : Stimuli, signs, and schemes in Konrad Lorenz's early writings -- Signs of involvement in animal life -- Pt. 5. Semiotics and Ecology -- The human semiotic footprint : How our systems of meaning affect the Earth system -- The environment as a semiotic information matrix for human ecology -- The semiotic nature of the eco-field model -- Semiotics for analysing changing value and authenticity in heritage protection policies -- Semiotics and agrœcology : Transdisciplinary dialogues -- Pt. 6. Semiotics and Cognitive Science -- Semiotics of cognition and cognitive science : Crossroads -- Cognitive semiotics and agency in the Anthropocene -- Signs of cognition : How semiotic brains reach out to meaning -- Peircean semiotics and its implications for neurodynamics, cognition, and spirituality -- Pt. 7. Semiotics and Artificial Intelligence -- Beyond cognitive science : Peirce's semiotic improvement for artificial intelligence research -- Semiosis in artificial intelligence : A Peircean view -- From perceptron to semiotron : A biosemiotic approach to artificial intelligence -- Bridging the gap between natural and artificial intelligence : A biosemiotic contribution -- Do we really need to understand social robots ? A reflection on semiosis for the near future -- Symbol emergence in robotics : Semiotics for the creation of embodied artificial cognitive systems.
Call Number
ReCAP 23-
  • 1392407996
  • AAL08286004-0001
Open semiotics / Amir Biglari.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2023.
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Amir Biglari is a research associate at the Sorbonne University, and teaches at the University of Picardy Jules Verne. His research interests lie primarily in the epistemology and methodology of semiotics, with a particular focus on the ways in which semiotic studies intersect with other fields. He has served as editor for several collective books in this perspective, notably La Sémiotique en interface (2018) and La Sémiotique et son autre (2019).
Added Author
Biglari, Amir, editor.
Research Call Number
ReCAP 23-
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