Research Catalog

Un libro sobre la dignidad

Un libro sobre la dignidad / un proyecto folioscópico de Liliana Angulo Cortés.
Angulo Cortés, Liliana, 1974-
Pereira, Colombia : AÚN 44 Salón Nacional de Artistas, 2016.


Additional Authors
  • Colombia. Ministerio de Cultura, issuing body.
  • Salón Nacional de Artistas (Colombia)
1 volume (unpaged) : chiefly illustrations; 21 cm.
Photo-flip book by artist Liliana Angulo as part of AÚN 44 Salón Nacional de Artistas a project of the Ministry of Culture and the Mayor's Office of Pereira.. It is a folioscopic book * for circular reading that has two faces. The book contains the stories of three people: Carlos Angulo, Domingo Criollo and Blas Castañeda. It is an archive that contains three historical documents (primary sources originally on paper and video from the 17th, 19th and 21st centuries) that show Afro-descendant men in their struggles against racism that they have had to face in the territory that is now Colombia. It is a project carried out with the collaboration of Carlos Alberto Angulo Góngora. * A flipbook is a book that contains a series of images that gradually vary from one page to the next so that when the pages are turned quickly, the images appear to animate simulating movement or other change.
Uniform Title
Photographs. Selections
Alternative Title
  • Racism in art
  • Politics in art > Exhibitions
  • Social problems in art > Exhibitions
  • Artists' books > 21st century > Specimens
  • Photobooks > 21st century
  • Artists' books – 2016
  • Exhibition catalogs
  • Dos-á-dos bindings (Binding)
  • This publication is part of AÚN 44 Salón Nacional de Artistas, a project by the Ministerio de Cultura y la Alcaldia de Pereira [exhibition took place Sept.16-Nov.14, 2016]
  • Tête-bêche binding.
Language (note)
  • In Spanish.
Historical documents that are part of "A book on Dignity" 1. CARLOS ANGULO, EBANISTA, BOAT BUILDER, ACTIVIST AND LEADER. Images of Carlos Alberto Angulo Góngora during the police racism incident that occurred in the center of Bogotá on Wednesday, September 16, 2015. Record of María Alejandra Pulido, brave witness of the events. Duration of the first video: 2œ48 œœ Second video duration: 1œ16 œœ Interview: August 19, 2016, Cali. 2. DOMINGO CRIOLLO, LEADER OF THE PALENQUE DE LA SIERRA DE MARÍA. Unit title: "File on pacification and reduction of fugitive and fortified blacks in the palenques of Sierra María". Archive: General Archive of the Indies AGI . Reference code: ES.41091.AGI / // SANTA_FE, 213. Description indices: Cimarrones - Negros. Scope and content: File on the uprising and pacification of maroon blacks from the palenques of Sierra María, in the province of Cartagena, seen in the Council of the Indies. Creation date: 1686-5-24 / 1693-6-3. Formation date: 1691/1695. AGI visit: February 5, 2015, Seville (Spain). 3. BLAS CASTAÑEDA, ADMINISTRATOR OF A FARM Summary: Medellín, 1896. Complaint presented to Mayor Pedro Juan Lince by Blas Castañeda against Juan B. Penagos, inspector of America, for insulting him by calling him a black slave and because Juan B Penagos did not fulfill his obligations on the job. Archive: Historical Archive of Medellín AHM . Reference code: CO AHM, Mayoral Fund, volume 8, folios 299r-300r, vol. two. Series: Complaints - Racism. Title: General correspondence. Prisons at the Versalles Civic Center. Place: Medellín. Starting year: 1896 / Ending year: 1897. AHM visit: October 16, 2015, Medellín. Credits Interviewed: Carlos Alberto Angulo Góngora Concept and research: Liliana Angulo Cortés Design: Liliana Angulo Cortés and Juan Gonzalo Esguera Layout: Juan Gonzalo Esguerra Transcription: Liliana Angulo Cortés Acknowledgments and sponsorships Carlos Alberto Angulo Góngora, María Alejandra Pulido, María Helena Cortés, Catalina Vargas, Federico Guzmán, Marta Cecilia García Franco Historical Archive of Medellín , María Antonia Colomar General Archive of the Indies , Matadero Madrid, Flora Ars Natura, Ministry of Culture from Colombia, participants of the ethnoeducation laboratory A case of repairʺ (MDE15), Víctor Albarracín (44SNA)
  • 9789584698216
  • 9584698214
  • 1059844657
  • kar0000009681
Angulo Cortés, Liliana, 1974-, photographer.
Un libro sobre la dignidad / un proyecto folioscópico de Liliana Angulo Cortés.
Pereira, Colombia : AÚN 44 Salón Nacional de Artistas, 2016.
Primera edición.
Type of Content
still image
Type of Medium
Type of Carrier
In Spanish.
Added Author
Colombia. Ministerio de Cultura, issuing body.
Salón Nacional de Artistas (Colombia)
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