Research Catalog

Johann Sebastian Bach's personal copy of Abraham Calov's Bible commentary : history - significance - perspectives

Johann Sebastian Bach's personal copy of Abraham Calov's Bible commentary : history - significance - perspectives / Albert Clement, editor ; editorial assistance, Noelle Heber & Michael Heinemann = Johann Sebastian Bachs persönliches Exemplar des Bibelkommentars von Abraham Calov : Geschichte - Bedeutung - Perspektiven / Albert Clement, Herausgeber ; redaktionelle Mitarbeit, Noelle Heber & Michael Heinemann.
  • Amersfoort : Uitgeverij Van Wijnen 2023.
  • ©2023


Additional Authors
  • Clement, Arie Albertus, 1962-
  • Heber, Noelle M., 1982-
  • Heinemann, Michael, 1959-
  • Wolff, Christoph
  • Leaver, Robin A.
  • Wollny, Peter
  • Wijnen, Dingeman van, 1956-
  • Grycz, Czeslaw Jan
  • Broeyer, F. G. M.
  • Zwitser, Marcel S.
  • Smelik, J., 1961-
  • Greer, Mary Jewett
414 pages : illustrations, facsimiles, portraits (some color); 31 cm
"Van Wijnen Publishers has produced a unique facsimile edition of Johann Sebastian Bach's personal Bible, known as the Calov Bible. See With this comprehensive commentary volume, written by an international group of experts, this special edition is now complete. The volume considers the history of the Calov Bible, all the handwritten notes Bach made in it and their possible connections to the Lutheran world of thought and life in which he worked and breathed. Bach's notes in his Bible-with-commentary provide a glimpse into his soul. The edition contains parallel texts in German and English, as well as summaries in German, English, Japanese, and Dutch." --
Alternative Title
Johann Sebastian Bachs persönliches Exemplar des Bibelkommentars von Abraham Calov : Geschichte - Bedeutung - Perspektiven
  • Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750 > Religion
  • Calov, Abraham, 1612-1686
  • Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750
  • Bible > Commentaries > History and criticism
  • Bible
  • Bible > Commentaires > Histoire et critique
  • Commentaries series
  • Facsimiles > Publishing
  • Fac-similés > Édition
  • Religion
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bibliography (note)
  • Includes bibliographical references (pages 392-396).
Language (note)
  • In German with parallel English texts. Abstracts and author biographies in German, English, Dutch and Japanese.
  • Vorwort = Preface ; Einführung = Introduction ; Das Handgeschriebene Material in J.S. Bachs Calov-Bibelkommentar = The hand-penned material in J.S. Bach's Calov bible commentary / Albert Clement.
  • Geschichte = History. Die Bücher in J.S. Bachs Bibliothek = The books in J.S. Bach's library / Christoph Wolff -- Calovii Schrifften 3. Bände: rätselhafte Identität, verborgene Reisen, und die letztendliche Wiederentdeckung = Calovii Schrifften 3. Bände: enigmatic identity, hidden journeys, and eventual rediscovery / Robin A. Leaver -- Eine neu entdeckte Bach-Bibel = A newly discovered Bible owned by Bach / Peter Wollny -- Ein langer und kurvenreicher Weg: die Produktion des Faksimiles von Bachs Calov-Bibelkommentar = A long and winding road: producsing a facsimile of Bach's Calov Bible commentary / Dingeman van Wijnen -- Die Digitalisierung der Calov-Bibel = Digitizing the Calov-Bible commentary / Czesław Jan Grycz.
  • Bedeutung = Significance. Von Hütters Compendium locorum theologicorum zur Calov-Bibel = From Hütter's Compendium locorum theologicorum to the Calov Bible commentary / Frits Broeyer -- 1733 / Michael Heinemann -- Von Gottes Geist durch David mit Angeordnet Bachs Glosse bei 1. Chronik 28 (29): 21 und die Lutherische Lehre von der Göttlichen Inspiration der Schrift = Von Gottes Geist durch David mit Angeordnet Bach's Gloss on 1 chronicles 28 (29): 21 and the Lutheran doctrine of the divine inspiration of scripture / Marcel S. Zwitser.
  • Perspectiven = Perspektives. Dienst und Fleiss : Perspektiven auf Arbeit, Geld, und Grosszügigkeit im Buch Prediger Salomo = Duty and devotion : perspectives on work, money, and generosity in the Book of Ecclesiastes / Noelle Heber -- Sey getrost/Denn du bist mein : Theologie und Frömmigkeit in der Motette Fürchte dich Nicht BWV 228 von Johann Sebastian Bach = Sey getrost/Denn du bist mein : theology and piety in Johann Sebastian Bach's motet Fürchte dich nicht BWV 228 / Jan Smelik -- Neue Einblicke in die Reinschrift der Matthäus-Passion = New insights into the fair copy of the Matthew Passion / Mary Greer.
  • 9789051946048
  • 905194604X
Johann Sebastian Bach's personal copy of Abraham Calov's Bible commentary : history - significance - perspectives / Albert Clement, editor ; editorial assistance, Noelle Heber & Michael Heinemann = Johann Sebastian Bachs persönliches Exemplar des Bibelkommentars von Abraham Calov : Geschichte - Bedeutung - Perspektiven / Albert Clement, Herausgeber ; redaktionelle Mitarbeit, Noelle Heber & Michael Heinemann.
Type of Content
Type of Medium
Type of Carrier
Includes bibliographical references (pages 392-396).
In German with parallel English texts. Abstracts and author biographies in German, English, Dutch and Japanese.
Added Author
Clement, Arie Albertus, 1962- author, compiler, editor.
Heber, Noelle M., 1982- author, editor.
Heinemann, Michael, 1959- author, editor.
Wolff, Christoph, author.
Leaver, Robin A., author.
Wollny, Peter, author.
Wijnen, Dingeman van, 1956- author.
Grycz, Czeslaw Jan, author.
Broeyer, F. G. M., author.
Zwitser, Marcel S., author.
Smelik, J., 1961- author.
Greer, Mary Jewett, author.
Related To
Heilige Bibel. Franeker, The Netherlands : Uitgeverij Van Wijnen, 2017 9789051943924 (OCoLC)1019909599
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