Research Catalog

The Norton reader; an anthology of expository prose.

The Norton reader; an anthology of expository prose. Arthur M. Eastman, general editor. Caesar Blake [and others, editors].
Eastman, Arthur M., 1918-
New York, Norton [1973]

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Book/TextSupervised use ReCAP 24-5050Offsite


Additional Authors
Dedalus Foundation, donor NN
xxvi, 1211 pages; 22 cm
  • College readers
  • English language > Rhetoric > Problems, exercises, etc
  • Exposition (Rhetoric) > Problems, exercises, etc
  • Report writing > Problems, exercises, etc
  • English language > Rhetoric
  • Exposition (Rhetoric)
  • Report writing
  • Problems and exercises.
  • College readers.
Bibliography (note)
  • Includes bibliographical references.
Source (note)
  • of the Dedalus Foundation;
Processing Action (note)
  • commitment to retain
  • The town dump / Wallace Stegner -- Memories of Christmas / Dylan Thomas -- High school graduation / Maya Angelou -- Politics in the University / Bernadette Devlin -- The joys of sport at Oxford / Allan Seager -- In jail / Emma Goldman -- I'll never escape the ghetto / Stanley Sander Ourselves alone: Irish exiles in Brooklyn / William Alfred -- Overland stagecoaching / Samuel L. Clemens -- A victim / Bruno Bettelheim -- On going home / Joan Didion -- The brown wasps / Loren Eiseley -- Once more to the lake / E. B. White -- From Journal / Ralph Waldo Emerson -- From Journal / Henry David Thoreau -- From Journal / Katherine Mansfield -- From Journal of a War / Donald Pearce -- From The Daybooks / Edward Weston -- The unspeakable words / William March -- The language of the street / Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Meaning / William G. Moulton -- The nature of symbolic knowledge / Erich Fromme -- Poetic diction and legal fiction / Owen Barfield -- Bluspels and flalansferes / C S. Lewis -- Politics and the English language / George Orwell -- How teachers make children hate reading / John Holt -- The making and the breaking of a Whitetown teacher / Peter Binzen -- In short, why did the class fail? / Henry F. Ottinger -- Was it the class, or was it the teacher -- who failed?: responses to Mr. Ottinger / William Bondeson, Jim Essenson, Malcolm L. Diamond, Patricia Reinfeld, Harvey A. Thomson -- Examsmanship and the liberal arts: a study in educational epistemology / William G. Perry, Jr. -- Generation gap / John Ciardi -- Is there any knowledge that a man must have? / Wayne C. Both -- The measure of things / John Selden -- The convenience of being "reasonable" / Benjamin Franklin -- The dog and her rival / William March -- Observation / Henry David Thoreau -- The reach of imagination / Jacob Bronowski -- The ethical and pedagogical importance of the principle of habit / William James -- Pleasure-seeking brains: artificial tickles, natural joys of thought / H.J. Campbell -- A behavioral study of obedience / Stanley Milgram -- Freud and the image of man / Jerome S. Bruner -- The kitchen crisis / Verta Mae -- Each family in a home of its own / Margaret Mead -- An American anachronism: the image of women and work / Ellen Keniston and Kenneth Keniston -- When we dead awaken: writing as re-vision / Adrienne Rich -- Convalescence / Eldridge Cleaver -- Sidewalk ballet / Jane Jacobs -- The world of the absurd / Ada Louise Huxtable -- Future schlock / Robert Claiborne -- The forgotten American / Peter Schrag -- Baby machos / Pauline Kael -- The use of drugs in America: toward a better understanding of passivity -- I would like to tell you something / John F. Kerry -- Culture now / Saul Bellow -- Is America falling apart? / Anthony Burgess -- Who killed King Kong? / X. J. Kennedy -- Doc Graham / Studs Terkel -- Leonard Thompson, aged Seventy-one, farm-worker / Ronald Blythe -- A fireman / Herb Goro -- A police sergeant / Robert Coles -- Over the counter: a conversation with a saleswoman / Linda Lane -- A couple from Kensington / Peter Binzen -- Writers at work: The Paris Review interviews / James Thurber -- Armed love / Erik H. Erikson and Joey P. Newton.
  • Expressiveness / Susanne K. Langer -- The keys to dreamland / Northrop Frye -- Madeline among the midshipmen / Carl Gustav Jung -- Prince Hamlet in Africa / Laura Bohannan -- What to say about a peom / W. K. Wimsatt -- Education by poetry: a meditative monologue / Robert Frost -- A letter / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- Living with music / Ralph Ellison -- Living with music / Ralph Ellison -- Not listening to music / E. M. Forster -- The blot and the diagram / Kenneth Clark -- Modern painting / Joseph Wood Krutch -- The comic in general: the comic element in forms and movements / Henri Bergson -- I, a grown man, hit in the head with a frozen veal chop / Neil Simon -- Laughter / Christopher Fry -- Some remarks on humor / E B. White -- Tentation / John Donne -- The bear who let it alone / James Thurber -- On self-love and indolence / Samuel Johnson -- Of simulation and dissimulation / Francis Bacon -- A plausible man / John Earle -- The harlot / Thomas Fuller -- The flatterer / Theophrastus -- Letter to his son / Lord Chesterfield -- Letter to Susan / Margaret Culkin Banning -- Letter to Peg / William James -- Bullfighting / Ernest Hemingway -- Rosalie / Donald Pearce -- Is pornography a cause of crime? / Ernest van den Haag -- The murder of Rabbi Adler / Thomas V. LoCicero -- The golden rule in the light of new insight / Erik H. Erikson -- Jacob and Esau / W.E.B. Du Bois -- Stranger in the village / James Baldwin -- Letter from Birmingham jail / Martin Luther King, Jr. -- Letter from Soledad prison / George L. Jackson -- A modest proposal / Jonathan Swift -- The rabbits who caused all the trouble / James Thurber -- The slave and the cart horse / William March -- Address to the prisoners in the Cook county jail / Clarence Darrow -- The gospel of St Andrew Undershaft / George Bernard Shaw -- 5-to-4: are the justices really objective? Paul Freund -- After the population explosion / Harrison Brown -- The tragedy of the commons / Garrett Hardin -- The conservation ethic / Aldo Leopold -- The morals of the Prince / Niccolo Machiavelli -- The arts of peace / Desiderius Erasmus -- Second inaugural address / Abraham Lincoln -- Original draft of the Declaration of Independence -- The Declaration of Independence / Thomas Jefferson -- Democracy / E.B. White -- Democracy / Carl Becker -- The indispensable opposition / Walter Lippman -- Apothegms / W. H Auden -- From the Devil's Dictionary / Ambrose Bierce -- Proverbs of hell / William Blake -- From Notebooks / Samuel Butler -- From Poor Richard's Almanack / Benjamin Franklin -- From Characteristics / William Hazlitt -- From Maxims / La Rochefoucauld -- From the Revolutionist's Handbook / George Bernard Shaw.
  • The battle of the ants / Henry David Thoreau -- The Corcyraea revolution / Thucydides -- George Washington / Thomas Jefferson -- Lord Salisbury / Barbara Tuchman -- Abraham Lincoln / Nathaniel Hawthorne -- The war for the Black Hills / Dee Brown -- Address / Chief Seattle -- Ishi / Theodora Kroeber -- The role of the undesirables / Eric Hoffner -- Denmark and the Jews / Hannah Arendt -- The bridge over the River Kwai as myth / Ian Watt -- The excitement of historical research / William B. Willcox -- History / Thomas Babington Macaulay -- Literature and the historian / Cicely V. Wedgwod -- The historian and his facts / Edward Hallett Carr -- The age of reinterpretation / C. Vann Woodward -- Time in the middle ages / John Livingston Lowes -- The taming of the shrew / Konrad A. Lorenz -- Vulture country / John D. Stewart -- The game of wild Indians / Berton Roueche -- From territory to nation / Robert Ardrey -- Psychology constructs the female, or, the fantasy life of the male psychologist / Naomi Weisstein -- What is man? / B.F. Skinner -- The fixation of belief / Charles Sanders Peirce -- The route to normal science / Thomas S. Kuhn -- The whale / Anonymous -- The allegory of the cave / Plato -- The spider and the bee / Jonathan Swift -- The glass in the field / James Thurber -- The fisherman and the hen / William March -- The unique quality of truth / William March -- Thou art the man / The Book of Samuel -- Parables of the kingdom / Matthew -- Parable of the law / Franz Kafka -- Muddy road, a parable, learning to be silent / Zen Parables -- The doer of good / Oscar Wilde -- A religious conversion, more or less / Eldridge Cleaver -- The owl who was God / James Thurber -- Mythology / Robert Graves -- The nature of enthusiasm / Ronald A. Knox -- The Icon of God / Nicholas of Cusa -- The fall of God's first kingdom / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- Let me wither / John Donne -- Sinners in the hands of an angry God / Jonathan Edwards -- The knight of faith / Soren Kierkegaard -- Spiritual autobiography / Simone Weil -- The riddle of inequality / Paul Tillich -- What crucified Christ? / Henry Sloane Coffin -- Letter to her cousins / Emily Dickinson -- Letter to Charles ingsley / Thomas Henry Huxley -- Classic liberty / George Santayana -- Existentialism / Jean-Paul Sartre -- The mystery of Zen / Gilbert Highet -- The answer of religion / Alan W. Watts.
Call Number
ReCAP 24-5050
  • 0393098753
  • 9780393098754
  • 0393093832
  • 9780393093834
Eastman, Arthur M., 1918- editor.
The Norton reader; an anthology of expository prose. Arthur M. Eastman, general editor. Caesar Blake [and others, editors].
New York, Norton [1973]
3d ed.
Type of Content
Type of Medium
Type of Carrier
Includes bibliographical references.
Local Note
Copy in ReCAP 24-5050 inscribed.
Gift; of the Dedalus Foundation; 2024. NN
Added Author
Dedalus Foundation, donor NN
Other Form:
Online version: Eastman, Arthur M., 1918- Norton reader. 3d ed. New York, Norton [1973] (OCoLC)707034830
Research Call Number
ReCAP 24-5050
View in Legacy Catalog