- Additional Authors
- Description
- 1 atlas (101 pages) : color illustrations, color; 31 x 35 cm
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Atlases.
- Language (note)
- 9791280723017
- 2575302
- Author
Amistadi, Lamberto, author.
- Title
Archéa : mapping the city on urban spaces : an atlas of Bologna and Aachen / Lamberto Amistadi; Valter Balducci; Tomasz Bradecki; Enrico Prandi; Uwe Schröder.
- Publisher
Firenze : Aión Edizioni, 2021.
- Type of Content
cartographic image
- Type of Medium
- Type of Carrier
- Language
In English.
- Cartographic Data
Scales differ.
- Added Author
Balducci, Valter, author.
Bradecki, Tomasz, author.
Prandi, Enrico, author.
Schröder, Uwe, author.