'Oxford Handbook of Nanoscience and Technology' provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the major achievements in different aspects of this field. Volume One presents fundamental issues of basic physics, chemistry, biochemistry, tribology etc. of nanomaterials.
Series Statement
Oxford handbooks online
Uniform Title
Oxford handbook of nanoscience and technology. Volume 1, Basic aspects (Online)
Nanoelectronic devices: A unified view / Supriyo Datta -- Designing low-dimensional nanostructures at surfaces by supramolecular chemistry / Nian Lin, Sebastian Stepanow -- Nanostructured surfaces: Dimensionally constrained electrons and correlation / E. Bertel, A. Menzel -- Reaction studies on nanostructured surfaces / Adolf Winkler -- Nanotribology / S.K. Biswas -- The electronic structure of epitaxial graphene—A view from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy / S.Y. Zhou, A. Lanzara -- Theoretical simulations of scanning tunnelling microscope images and spectra of nanostructures / Jinlong Yang, Qunxiang Li -- Functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes: Chemistry and characterization / R. Graupner, F. Hauke -- Quantum-theoretical approaches to proteins and nucleic acids / Mauro Boero, Masaru Tateno -- Magnetoresistive phenomena in nanoscale magnetic contacts / J.D. Burton, E.Y. Tsymbal -- Novel superconducting states in nanoscale superconductors / A. Kanda, Y. Ootuka, K. Kadowaki, F.M. Peeters -- Electronic and transport properties of doped silicon nanowires / M.-V. Fernandez-Serra, X. Blase -- Left-handed metamaterials—A review / E. Ozbay, G. Ozkan, K. Aydin -- 2D arrays of Josephson nanocontacts and nanogranular superconductors / Sergei Sergeenkov -- Theory, experiment and applications of tubular image states / D. Segal, P. Kral, M. Shapiro -- Correlated electron transport in molecular junctions / K.S. Thygesen, A. Rubio -- Spin currents in semiconductor nanostructures: A non-equilibrium Green-function approach / Branislav K. Nikolic, Liviu P. Zarbo, Satofumi Souma -- Disorder-induced electron localization in molecular-based materials / Sven Stafström, Mikael Unge -- NEGF-based models for dephasing in quantum transport / Roksana Golizadeh-Mojarad, Supriyo Datta -- Molecular nanowires and their properties as electrical conductors / George Kirczenow -- Quasi-ballistic electron transport in atomic wires / Jan M. van Ruitenbeek -- Thermal transport of small systems / Takahiro Yamamoto, Kazuyuki Watanabe, Satoshi Watanabe -- Atomistic spin-dynamics / M. Stamenova, S. Sanvito -- Patterns and pathways in nanoparticle self-organization / MO Blunt, A. Stannard, E. Pauliac-Vaujour, CP Martin, Ioan Vancea, Milovan Suvakov, Uwe Thiele, Bosiljka Tadic, P. Moriarty -- Self-organizing atom chains / Arie van Houselt, Harold J.W. Zandvliet.