Research Catalog

Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2010

Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2010 / Miroslav Bárta, Filip Coppens and Jaromír Krejčí (editors).
Prague : Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2011.

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2 Items

StatusVol/DateFormatAccessCall NumberItem Location
v.2TextUse in library DT73.A14 A284 2011g v.2Off-site
v.1TextUse in library DT73.A14 A284 2011g v.1Off-site



Additional Authors
  • Bárta, Miroslav
  • Coppens, Filip
  • Krejčí, Jaromír
  • Český egyptologický ústav.
2 volumes : illustrations, maps; 25 cm
  • Antiquities
  • Abu Sir Site (Jīzah, Egypt) > Congresses
  • Ṣaqqārah (Egypt) > Antiquities > Congresses
  • Egypt > Abu Sir Site
  • Egypt > Ṣaqqārah
Conference papers and proceedings.
  • There are illustrations within articles and plates at the end of v. 2.
Bibliography (note)
  • Includes bibliographical references (v. 2, pages 823-904).
  • V. 1. LATE PERIOD AND GRAECO-ROMAN PERIOD. The shaft tomb of Menekhibnekau at Abusir / Ladislav Bareš -- Cattle skulls (bucrania) : a universal symbol all around the world. The case of Kerma (Sudan) / Louis Chaix -- Canine Interments in the Teti Cemetery North at Saqqara during the Graeco-Roman period / Mary Hartley, Alanah Buck, Susanne Binder -- New Evidence on the Mummification Process in the Late Period. Hieratic Texts from the Embalmers' Cache in the Shaft Tomb of Menekhibnekau at Abusir / Jiří Janák, Renata Landgráfová -- Animal remains from Abusir-South : the shaft filling and adjacent structures of mastaba AS 51 / Zdeňka Sůvová -- New Discoveries at Saqqara : two undisturbed Late Period tombs (q3 and n1) / Christiane Ziegler.
  • NEW KINGDOM. On the architectural development of monumental tombs south of the Unas causeway at Saqqara from the reigns of Akhenaten to Ramses II / Harold M. Hays -- Additions to the Maidum visitors' graffiti / Hana Navrátilová -- In search of the New Kingdom tombs in the Teti Pyramid Cemetery North : preliminary results of the 2009 and 2010 seasons conducted by Macquarie University / Boyo G. Ockinga -- 'Pragmatics' of the New Kingdom Necropolis of Saqqara as illustrated by the tomb of Meryneith / Maarten J. Raven -- Comparison of two burial groups located south of the Tomb of Horemheb at Saqqara and dated to the New Kingdom and Ptolemaic periods / Eugen Strouhal.
  • MIDDLE KINGDOM. Ritual activities in Middle Kingdom Egypt : a view from intact tombs discovered at Dahshur North / Masahiro Baba, Sakuji Yoshimura -- The early life of pharaoh : divine birth and adolescence scenes in the Causeway of Senwosret III at Dahshur / Adela Oppenheim.
  • ARCHAIC PERIOD AND OLD KINGDOM. A problematic scene from Sahure's Causeway / Tarek El Awady -- Fine versus rough wares : the chronological relevance of bread forms / Katarína Arias Kytnarová -- The decoration of the portico from Ti's mastaba at Saqqara. An innovating introduction to the tomb / Nathalie Beaux -- An ecological approach to determine the potential influence that the Pyramid Texts have had upon Sixth Dynasty tomb decorations / John Burn -- Queen Neit-ikrety/Nitokris / Vivienne Gae Callender -- Entrance-porticoes and portico-chapels : the creation of an outside ritual stage in private tombs of the Old Kingdom / Violaine Chauvet -- The Holocene of the Abusir area / Václav Cílek, Lenka Lisá, Miroslav Bárta -- Some notes on the title of 'Vizier' during the Old Kingdom, especially on the hieroglyphic phallus-sign in the vizier's title / Veronika Dulíková -- The development of the Giza necropolis in the early Fourth Dynasty / Laurel Flentye -- Egyptological cannibalism. Comments on pyramid spells 273-274 / Hans Goedicke -- The AGÉA database project : persons and names of the Old Kingdom / Yannis Gourdon -- The Fifth Dynasty 'sun temples' in a broader context / Jiří Janák, Hana Vymazalová, Filip Coppens.
  • V. 2. Stone vessels of AS54 at Abusir South. Preliminary report / Lucie Jirásková -- The MeKeTRE Project & an example of a theme type in the Old and Middle Kingdom : manufacture of nets / Andrea Kahlbacher, Lubica Zelenková -- Art and gridlines : the copying of Old Kingdom scenes in later periods / Naguib Kanawati -- The tomb of Isisnofret at Northwest Saqqara / Nozomu Kawai -- A visitor at the Causeway of Sahura at Abusir / Mohamed Ismail Khaled -- Nyuserra revisited / Jaromír Krejčí -- The practicalities behind the ritual : observations on Sixth Dynasty funerary architecture / Kamil O. Kuraszkiewicz -- The tomb of king Ninetjer and its reuse in later periods / Claudia M. Lacher-Raschdorff -- The Old Kingdom market-place scenes revisited : with special reference to Tepemankh II (tp-m-anx) / Jason Livingstone-Thomas -- The Sixth Dynasty biographic inscriptions of Iny : more pieces to the puzzle / Michele Marcolin, Andrés Diego Espinel -- The pyramid complex of 'Djedkare's Queen' in South Saqqara. Preliminary report 2010 / Mohamed Megahed -- Insect burrows (dwelling/breeding chambers and tunnels) in the archaeological context of Abusir / Radek Mikulás, Václav Cílek -- Dating the tombs of Merefnebef and Nyankhnefertem in Saqqara / Karol Myśliwiec -- New archaeological investigation in the sun temple of Niuserra in Abu Ghurab / Massimiliano Nuzzolo, Rosanna Pirelli -- Religious reality creation through language in the Old Kingdom religious texts / Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska -- Reinvestigating the Second Dynasty at Saqqara / Ilona Regulski -- Meidum revisited. Remarks on the Late Old Kingdom topography of the site / Teodozja Rzeuska -- The beginning of the Civil Calendar / Anthony Spalinger -- The heb-sed Temple of Senefru at Dahshur / Rainer Stadelmann -- Les autobiographies evenementielles de la Ve dynastie: premier ensemble de textes continus en Egypte / Julie Stauder Porchet -- 'Das Vorfeld der Literatur' in den Privatgrabern des AR: ein Fall aus Abusir / Břetislav Vachala -- The 'Khentkaus-Problem' reconsidered / Miroslav Verner -- Statues and rituals for Khentkaus II. A reconsideration of some papyrus fragments from the Queen's funerary complex / Hana Vymazalová, Filip Coppens -- The organization and oversight of potters in the Old Kingdom / Leslie Anne Warden -- New scenes of hunting a hippopotamus from the burial chamber of Unas / Mohammad Youssef.
  • 9788073083847
  • 8073083841
  • 9788073083854
  • 807308385X
  • ocn820638153
  • 820638153
  • SCSB-5830121
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