Research Catalog

Memorabilia momenta : Clipe memorabile

Memorabilia momenta : Clipe memorabile / Ioan Chirilă, Mircea Gelu Buta.
Chirilă, Ioan (Clergy)
Cluj-Napoca : Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2014.

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TextRequest in advance BX694.C58 C55 2014gOff-site



Additional Authors
Buta, Mircea Gelu
682 pages; 25 cm
  • Se implinesc 90 de ani de cand vrednicul de pomenire episcop Nicolae Balan, dupa ce a reinfiintat Episcopia Vadului, Feleacului si Clujului, infiinta de aceasta data si o Academie Teologica ... continuare, decanul Stanciu precizeaza ca autorii volumului aduc in actualitate cele mai importante momente dn viata Academiei, apoi a Institutului Teologic Universitar din Cluj, institutie care dobandise un prestigiu pe masura sperantelor fondatorului, insa in 1952, urmare a instaurarii in Romania a statului comunist impus de sovietici, inalta scoala teologica a fost desfiintata din cauza contraponderii la invatatura marxista, doctrina oficiala a statului. Cartea reuneste discursuri ale unor personalitati angrenate in fondarea si propasirea insitutiei pe parcursul celor 90 de ani de existenta, de asemenea, documente vizand organizarea, buna functionare, texte referitoare la aniversari sau alte evenimente, publicate in presa vremii, marturisitoare despre inceputul si cresterea importantei institutii transilvane--Publisher
  • It is 90 years since Bishop Nicolae Balan, after re-establishing the Diocese of Vadu, Feleac and Cluj, has also established a Theological Academy ... The authors of the volume bring the most important moments in the life of the Academy, then of the University Theological Institute from Cluj, an institution that had acquired a prestige according to the hopes of the founder. In 1952, following the establishment in Romania of the communist state imposed by the Soviets, the theological school was abolished due to Marxist, the official doctrine of the state. The book brings together speeches of personalities involved in founding and propagating the institution during its 90 years of existence, as well as documents on the organization, its proper functioning, texts on anniversaries or other events, published in the press of the time...
Alternative Title
Clipe memorabile
Terms of Use (note)
  • Includes bibliographical references
  • 9789735957698
  • 9735957698
  • on1152172833
  • 1152172833
  • SCSB-5842691
Owning Institutions
Columbia University Libraries