Speech of Mr. Beardsley, of New York, on the resolution proposing to examine into the affairs of the Bank of the United States.
- Title
- Speech of Mr. Beardsley, of New York, on the resolution proposing to examine into the affairs of the Bank of the United States.
- Author
- Beardsley, Samuel, 1790-1860.
- Publication
- [Washington, D.C.] : [publisher not identified], [1832]
- Description
- 8 pages; 22 cm
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Speeches.
- Congressional addresses – 1832.
- Note
- Caption title.
- Remarks given in the House of Representatives, March 7 and 14, 1832.
- Indexed In (note)
- Checklist of American imprints,
- ocm54254904
- 54254904
- SCSB-8961599