Research Catalog

Neruda and Vallejo : selected poems / edited and a new preface by Robert Bly ; translations by Robert Bly, John Knoepfle, and James Wright.

Neruda and Vallejo : selected poems / edited and a new preface by Robert Bly ; translations by Robert Bly, John Knoepfle, and James Wright.
Boston : Beacon Press, c1993.

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Book/TextRequest in advance PQ8097.N4 A6 1993Off-site



Additional Authors
  • Bly, Robert
  • Knoepfle, John
  • Wright, James, 1927-1980
  • Vallejo, César, 1892-1938.
  • Neruda, Pablo, 1904-1973.
  • Vallejo, César, 1892-1938.
  • Wright, James, 1927-1980.
xiv, 269 p. : ports.; 20 cm.
Gathers poems by the Chilean and Peruvian poets, including both English translations and the original Spanish versions.
  • Neruda, Pablo, 1904-1973 > Translations into English
  • Vallejo, César, 1892-1938 > Translations into English
  • English and Spanish.
Processing Action (note)
  • committed to retain
  • Selected poems of Pablo Neruda: Refusing to be Theocritus; From Veinte Poemas de Amor y una Cancion Desesperada: Cuerpo de mujer, blancas colinas, muslos blancos - Body of a woman, white hills, white thighs -- Te recuerdo como eras en el ultimo otono - I remember you as you were that final autumn -- From Residencia en la Tierra I and II: Solo la muerte - Nothing but death -- Walking around - Walking around -- Arte poetica - Art of poetry -- Entierro en el este - Funeral in the east -- Caballero solo - Gentleman without company -- Sonata y destrucciones - Sonata and destruction -- Calle destruida - Ruined street -- Melancolia en la familia - Melancholy inside families -- Agua sexual - Sexual water -- No hay olvido (Sonata) - There is no forgetfulness (Sonata) -- From Tercera Residencia: Bruselas - Brussels -- From Canto General: Algunas bestias - Some beasts -- Alturas de Machu Picchu, III -Heights of Machu Picchu, III -- Cabeza en el palo - Head on the pole --^
  • Agonias - Anguish of death -- Descubridores de Chile - Discovereres of Chile -- Toussaint l'ouverture - Toissant l'ouverture -- United Fruit Co. - United Fruit Co. -- Hambre en el sur - Hunger in the south -- Juventud - Youth -- Dictadores - Dictators -- America, no invoco tu nombre en vano - America, I do not call your name without hope -- Hymno y regreso - Hymn and return -- Cristobal Miranda - Cristobal Miranda -- Que despierte el lenador - I wish the woodcutter would wake up -- Era el otono de las uvas - It was the grape's autumn -- Huelga - Strike -- Carta a Miguel Otero Silva, en Caracas - Letter to Miguel Otero Silva , in Caracas -- Reciben ordenes contra Chile - They recieve instructions against Chile -- Enigmas - Enigmas -- Companeros de viaje -- From Odas elementales: Oda a los calcetines - Ode to my socks -- Oda a la sandia - Ode to the watermelon -- Oda a la sal - Ode to salt -- Lamb and the pine cone (an interview with Pablo Neruda by Robert Bly) --^
  • Selected poems of Cesar Vallejo: What if after so many wings of birds -- Thoughts on Cesar Vallejo -- From Heraldos Negros: Heraldos Negros - Black riders -- Arana - Spider -- Romeria - Pilgrimage -- Babel - Babble -- Deshojacion sagrada - Divine falling of leaves -- Copa negra - Black cup -- Heces - Down to the dregs -- Medialuz - Twilight -- Agape - Agape -- Rosa blanca - White rose -- Pan nuestro - Our daily bread -- Pagana - Pagan woman -- Dados eternos - Eternal dice -- Anillos fatigados - Weary circles -- Dios - God -- Arrieros - Mule drivers -- Pasos lejanos - Distant footsteps -- A mi hermano Miguel - To my brother Miguel -- Espergesia - Have you anything to say in your defense -- From Trilce: Personas mayores - What time are the big people -- En el rincon aquel, donde dormimos juntos - In that corner, where we slept together -- Al borde de un sepulcro florecido - At the border of a flowering grave -- me desvinculo del mar - I am freed from the burdens of the sea --^
  • Graniza tanto, como para que yo recuerde - So much hail that I remember -- From Codigo Civil and Poemas Humanos: Buen sentido - Right meaning -- Voy a hablar de la esperanza - I am going to talk about hope -- Quedeme a calentar la tinta en que me ahogo - I stayed here, warming the ink in which I drown -- Poema para ser leido y cantado - Poem to be read and sung -- Piedra negra sobre una piedra blanca - Black stone lying on a white stone -- Nomina de huesos - Rollcall of bones -- En el momento en que el tenista lanza magistralmente - Tennis player, in the instant he throws majestically -- Un pilar soportando consuelos - One pillar holding up consolations -- y no me digan nada - And don't bother telling me anything -- Y bien? Te sana el metaloide palido? - And so? The pale metalloid heals you? -- Tengo un miedo terrible de ser un animal - I have a terrible fear of being an animal -- Y si despues de tantas palabras - And what if after so many words --^
  • Colera que quiebra al hombre en ninos - Anger that breaks a man down into boys -- From Espana, aparta de mi este caliz: Masa - Masses.
0807064890 (pbk.)
  • 27895971
  • SCSB-11415790
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