The forms and limits of adjudication / Lon L. Fuller--What do courts do? / Ross Cranston--Courts and conflict resolution / Vilhelm Aubert--Alternative methods of dispute resolution: an overview / Frank E.A. Sander--Mediation-its forms and functions / Lon L. Fuller--Competition and dissensus: two types of conflict and of conflict resolution / Vilhelm Aubert--Disputing without the force of law / Laura Nadar--Toward another view of legal negotiation: the structure of problem solving / Carrie Menkel-Meadow--Against settlement / Owen M. Fiss--The mediation alternative: process dangers for women / Trina Grillo--Questioning the delegalization movement in family law: do we really want a family court? / Michael D.A. Freeman--Alternative to what? theories of litigation, procedure and dispute settlement in Anglo-American jurisprudence: some neglected classics / William Twining--Dispute processing in law and legal scholarship: from institutional critique to the reconstruction of the juridical subject / Susan Silbey and Austin Sarat--Evaluations of dispute processing: we do not know what we think and we do not think what we know / John P. Esser.