Region. Gomelʹskai͡a oblastʹ : vremi͡a deĭstviĭ i preobrazovaniĭ : fotoalʹbom = The region : Gomel region : the time of actions and transformations : photo album / [rukovoditelʹ proekta V.V. Rusakevich ; redaktor-sostavitelʹ Z. A. Lysenko].
Region. Gomelʹskai͡a oblastʹ : vremi͡a deĭstviĭ i preobrazovaniĭ : fotoalʹbom = The region : Gomel region : the time of actions and transformations : photo album / [rukovoditelʹ proekta V.V. Rusakevich ; redaktor-sostavitelʹ Z. A. Lysenko].