Abbreviations and acronyms -- pt. I. Need for a transition to knowledge-based economy (1. New challenges and opportunities -- 2. Benchmarking Mexico's position in the knowledge economy) -- pt. II. Major policy issues (3. Transforming the innovation and enterprise upgrading system -- 4. Enhancing education and skills -- 5. Updating the ICT infrastructure in Mexico) -- pt. III. Implementation options (6. Toward national vision and leadership -- 7. Regional leadership in the transition to a knowledge economy) -- Annexes (1. Theoretical framework for growth projections -- 2. Knowledge assessment methodology (KAM) -- 3. Comparator scorecards for Mexico, United States, the Republic of Korea, China, Ireland, and Spain -- 4. Date for scorecards for Mexico, United States, the Republic of Korea, China, Ireland, and Spain -- 5. Performance, economic incentive regime, governance, education, innovation, and information communication technologies : scorecards for Mexico, United States, the Republic of Korea, China, Ireland, and Spain -- 6. Variables for regional knowledge assessment).