To Olympieion : hē Pylē tou Hadrianou, hē ochyrōsē, to Rōmaïko valaneio, ta parilissia hiera kai hoi mythoi / [keimeno, Dōra Kyriakou] = The sanctuary of Olympian Zeus : Hadrian's Arch, the fortifications, the roman bathhouse, the sanctuaries by the river Ilissos and the myths / [text Dora Kyriakou ; translation David Hardy].
To Olympieion : hē Pylē tou Hadrianou, hē ochyrōsē, to Rōmaïko valaneio, ta parilissia hiera kai hoi mythoi / [keimeno, Dōra Kyriakou] = The sanctuary of Olympian Zeus : Hadrian's Arch, the fortifications, the roman bathhouse, the sanctuaries by the river Ilissos and the myths / [text Dora Kyriakou ; translation David Hardy].