Restitution of confiscated art works - wish or reality? : documentation, identification and restitution of cultural property of the victims of World War II : proceedings of the international academic conference held in Liberec on 24-26 October, 2007 / edited by Mečislav Borák ; [translation of Czech text Christopher Hopkinson].
Restitution of confiscated art works - wish or reality? : documentation, identification and restitution of cultural property of the victims of World War II : proceedings of the international academic conference held in Liberec on 24-26 October, 2007 / edited by Mečislav Borák ; [translation of Czech text Christopher Hopkinson].
Prague : Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of the Cultural Assets of WWII Victims, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences ; Šenov u Ostravy : Tilia, 2008.