Summary: The human figure was always the focus of Friedrich Einhoff's art practice, right from the very start. He uses his range of motifs in a resolute and imaginative way, moving between differentiation and simplification to create an impressive climax. This monograph was published on the occasion of Friedrich Einhoff receiving the Plakette award from the Freie Akademie der Künste (Free Academy of Fine Arts) in Hamburg and the Hans-Platschek Prize for Art and Text 2009. Exhibition: Kunsthaus Hamburg, 26 February - 10 May 2009.
Für Friedrich Einhoff = For Friedrich Einhoff / Werner Hofmann -- Figuren auf Zeit : Gespräch mit Friedrich Einhoff über ephemere Bilder und Personen im Fluss = Temporary figures : conversation with Friedrich Einhoff about ephemeral compositions and people in flux / Belinda Grace Gardner -- Das Personenregister von Friedrich Einhoff = Friedrich Einhoff's registry of personae / Claus Mewes -- Rede anlässlich der Verleihung der Plakette der Freien Akademie der Künste in Hamburg am 24. November 2008 = Speech on the occasion of receiving the Free Academy of the Arts' Award in Hamburg on November 24, 2008 / Friedrich Einhoff.