Who is to blame? ; The Opryshok ; The Dnister's vortex ; The soldier's daughter / Yuriy Fedkovych (1834-1888) -- Mykytych's oak tree ; The Gypsies ; It's his own fault ; The forest nymph / Ivan Franko (1856-1916) -- A dearth of grain ; Little sister Halya ; The hut in the valley / Borys Hrinchenko (1863-1910) -- From days gone by / Hnat Khotkevych (1863-1910) -- A tormented soul / Oleksander Konysky (1836-1900) -- The proud couple ; A maiden's heart / Panteleymon Kulish (1819-1897) -- In the forest ; The mother ; The deceased ; Revenge / Bohdan Lepky (1872-1941) -- Ensnared by the evil one ; The thief / Pans Myrny (1849-1920) -- The married devil ; The devil's tavern ; The fated one ; The miller / Oleksa Storozhenko (1805-1874) -- The Gypsy girl / Sydir Vorobkevych (1836-1903).