Food and energy crises : contribution and challenges for agricultural and climate change research : proceedings of the Third Annual PANTIL Research Workshop held at St. Gaspar Conference Centre, Dodoma, 7-9 October, 2008 / [prepared and edited by E.K. Batamuzi, D.M. Gimbi, L.R. Kurwijila].
Food and energy crises : contribution and challenges for agricultural and climate change research : proceedings of the Third Annual PANTIL Research Workshop held at St. Gaspar Conference Centre, Dodoma, 7-9 October, 2008 / [prepared and edited by E.K. Batamuzi, D.M. Gimbi, L.R. Kurwijila].
"Organised by Programme for Agricultural and Natural Resources Transformation (PANTIL), Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies, Sokoine University of Agriculture."
Bibliography (note)
Includes bibliographical references.
Processing Action (note)
committed to retain
Assessment of proximate composition and acceptability of rice-based complementary food incorporating soya beans in selected villages of Kilombero district / V Gowele (p. 218-224). -- Demand for cassava products in Tanzania : a survey in coastal regions / N Marwa (p. 225-229). -- Impact of household water managment and hygiene practices on drinking-water quality and diarrhoea prevalence in rural Mbarali, Tanzania / L Stordal (p. 230-237). -- Development, sensory quality and acceptability of cassava-based composite crackers for supplementing primary school-age children / T Mosha (p. 238-250). -- Open access publishing : the emerging opportunity for wider dissemination of scholary output / F Dulle (p. 252-262).
Enhancing the production of scholarly publications among researchers as a means towards dissemination of research outposts / D Rutatora (p. 62-68). -- Overview of effects of decentralization on agriculture and natural resources management in Tanzania / D Rutatora (p. 69-80). -- Agricultural and natural resources research and technology transfer : experiences from twelve research projects carried out in Tanzania / J Sebosa (p. 81-94). -- Capacity of local community in managing resource conflicts in Kilosa district / J. M Abdallah (p. 96-105). -- Profitability of draught animal power in semi-arid Tanzania : a case study of Hai, Kongwa and Siha districts / R Kabbiri (p. 107-114). -- Clinical analytical studies of Theileriosis in calves in Theileria parva endemic areas of eastern Tanzania / G Mbassa (p. 115-122). --
Mononuclear leukocyte proliferation in prescapular lymph nodes in in-vivo Theileria parva infection in calves / G Mbassa (p. 123-126). -- Calf management, mastitis control, and milk handling and processing in small holder dairy famrs in Mvomero and Njombe districts, Tanzania / J Chang'a (p. 127-134). -- Effect of harvesting frequency on productivity of mixed grass-legume fodder gardens on smallholder dairy farms in Mvomero district, Tanzania / E Mtengeti (p. 135-141). -- Initial and residual effectiveness of Minjingu phosphate rock and triple superphosphate in highly weathered and volcanic soils of Tanzania / E Mtengeti (p. 143-156). -- Profitability of improved banana cultivars production in Tanzania : a case study of Rungwe, Mvomero and Mkuranga district / A. A Ndunguru (p. 157-164). --
Strengthening local agricultural innovation systems in Less and More favored areas of Tanzania and malawi to adapt to climate change and variability : perceptions, impacts, vulnerability, and adaptations / A Majule (p. 2-16). -- The potential contribution of biotechnology to addressing the food crisis in Tanzania / P Kusolwa (p. 17-25). -- Safeguarding and enhancing intellectual property rights in research at Sokoine University of Agriculture [SUA] / J Mpagalile (p. 26-37). -- How can farmers product profitably in the face of the current fuel crisis ? / P Damas (p. 38-47). -- Farmer field schools as a springboard for enhanced uptake of new agricultural technologies / Z. S. K Mvena (p. 48-54). -- Opportunities and challenges for carbon markets in the forestry secvtor in Tanzania / P Munishi (p. 55-61). --
Technical and socio-economic challenges facing implementation of rainwater harvesting technologies in Njombe district-Tanzania / A Tarino (p. 165-173). -- Genetic diversity of Vanilla planifolia grown in Tanzania / C Busungu (p. 174-181). -- Physical and chemical properties of soils under oxen cultivation in Kongwa and Siha districts / J Msaky (p. 182-187). -- Effect of motorized grating and chipping of cassava on flour yield and quality / V Silayo (p. 189-193). -- Cyanogen levels of processed cassava and acceptability of Bada from differently processed cassava / M Khatib (p. 194-200). -- Safety concerns of traditionally processed cassava in Tongwe / M Khatib (p. 201-2207). -- Value chain analysis for cassava in the eastern Zone of Tanzania / P Njau (p. 208-217). --