Research Catalog

איכות חיים של אנשים סיעודיים עם פיגור שכלי קשה או עמוק בדיור קהילתי /

  • איכות חיים של אנשים סיעודיים עם פיגור שכלי קשה או עמוק בדיור קהילתי / דליה מנדלר, דניז נאון
  • Ekhut ḥayim shel anashim siʻudiyim ʻim pigur śikhli ḳashe o ʻamoḳ be-diyur ḳehilati / Daliyah Mandler; Deniz Naʼon.
Mandler, Dalia.
Yerushalayim : Gʻoint - Mekhon Bruḳdail, 761, 2001.



Additional Authors
  • 880-09 Israel. Miśrad ha-ʻavodah ṿeha-reṿaḥah. Maḥlaḳah le-meḥḳar
  • 880-10 Israel. Miśrad ha-ʻavodah ṿeha-reṿaḥah. Agaf le-ṭipul ba-adam ha-mefager.
  • 880-11 Mekhon Bruḳdail le-geronṭologyah ṿe-hitpatḥut adam ṿe-ḥevrah be-Yiśraʼel.
  • Naon, Denise.
5, 82, 6 p.; 29 cm.
Series Statement
  • דו''ח מחקר ; דמ-01-370
  • Duaḥ meḥḳar ; DM 370-01
Uniform Title
Research report (Mekhon Bruḳdail le-geronṭologyah ṿe-hitpatḥut adam ṿe-ḥevrah be-Yiśraʾel) RR 370-01
Alternative Title
Quality of life of serverely physically and mentally disabled people in community-based residences
  • Group homes for people with mental disabilities > Israel
  • People with mental disabilities > Care > Israel
  • People with mental disabilities > Deinstitutionalization > Israel
  • People with mental disabilities > Rehabilitation > Israel
  • At head of title: Miśrad ha-ʻavodah ṿeha-reṿaḥah, ha-Agaf le-meḥḳar, tikhnun ṿe-hakhsharah, Maḥleḳet ha-meḥḳar ; ha-Agaf le-ṭipul ba-adam ha-mefager.
Bibliography (note)
  • Includes bibliographical references (p. 75-82).
Language (note)
  • Added t.p. and abstract in English.
Processing Action (note)
  • committed to retain