The new plagues : pandemics and poverty in a globalized world / Stefan H.E. Kaufmann ; with the assistance of Susan Schädlich ; translated by Michael Capone ; Klaus Wiegandt, general editor.
The new plagues : pandemics and poverty in a globalized world / Stefan H.E. Kaufmann ; with the assistance of Susan Schädlich ; translated by Michael Capone ; Klaus Wiegandt, general editor.
Throughout history, infecious diseases and epidemics have eradicated whole regions, started migrations of peoples and decided wars. This volume describes the threat of modern pandemics and introduces possibilities and strategies for their containment.
1. Introduction -- 2. The invaders -- 3. The defenders -- 4. Coexistence of mankind and microbe -- 5. More than a body count : the major infectious diseases -- 6. Antimicrobials -- 7. Self-defense : immunization -- 8. Poverty and infectous diseases from a global point of view -- 9. Swimming against the tide -- 10. Hot spots for old and new empdemics -- 11. Five to or five past twelve?