Disclosure roles of counsel in state and local government securities offerings / ABA Section of State and Local Government Law, ABA Section of Business Law, Committee on Federal Regulation of Securities, National Association of Bond Lawyers.
Disclosure roles of counsel in state and local government securities offerings / ABA Section of State and Local Government Law, ABA Section of Business Law, Committee on Federal Regulation of Securities, National Association of Bond Lawyers.
Chicago : American Bar Association, Section of State and Local Government Law, c2009.
Legal framework for disclosure responsibilities -- Participants in primary offerings and the disclosure roles of their counsel -- Disclosure responsibilities of issuers -- Disclosure roles of counsel to issuers (other than bond counsel) -- Disclosure roles of bond counsel -- Disclosure responsibilities of underwriters -- Disclosure roles of counsel to underwriters -- Disclosure concerning third parties -- Selected disclosure issues in primary offerings -- Secondary market disclosure -- Ethical considerations -- Continued evolution.