東京大学総合研究博物館人類先史部門所蔵大森貝塚出土標本 / 初鹿野博之 ... [et al.] = Prehistoric artifacts from the Omori Shellmound housed in the department of anthropology and prehistory, the University Museum, the University of Tokyo / by Hiroyuki Hatsukano ... [et al.].
Tōkyō Daigaku Sōgō Kenkyū Hakubutsukan Jinrui Senshi Bumon shozō Ōmori kaizuka shutsudo hyōhon / Hatsukano Hiroyuki ... [et al.] = Prehistoric artifacts from the Omori Shellmound housed in the department of anthropology and prehistory, the University Museum, the University of Tokyo / by Hiroyuki Hatsukano ... [et al.].
東京大学総合研究博物館標本資料報告, 0910-2566 ; 第 79, 84号- = The University Museum, the University of Tokyo material reports ; no. 79, 84-
Tōkyō Daigaku Sōgō Kenkyū Shiryōkan hyōhon shiryō hōkoku, 0910-2566 ; dai 79, 84-gō- = The University Museum, The University of Tokyo material report ; no. 79, 84-
Tōkyō Daigaku. Sōgō Kenkyū Hakubutsukan. Material reports ; no. 79, etc.
Alternative Title
Prehistoric artifacts from the Omori Shellmound housed in the department of anthropology and prehistory, the University Museum, the University of Tokyo