Allegorical story of tribal organziation -- Origin story of the Wolf Clan (Pah-nee-wah-with-ta) -- Origin story of the Black Bear Clan (Bacon Rind) -- Creation of the house of mystery (Charles Wah-hre-she) -- Earth names and sky names (Charles Wah-hre-she) -- Origin story of the Sho'-ka (Saucy Calf) -- The tattooing custom (Charles Wah-hre-she) -- Haircut of the gentle sky clan (Shun-kah-mo-lah) -- Finding of the four colors (Hlu-ah-wah-tah) -- What to dream of (Saucy Calf) -- Instructions to the mother (Charles Wah-hre-she) -- Instructions to the wife of a priest (Saucy Calf) -- Instructions in the painting of the sacred robes (Hlu-ah-wah-tah) -- Counting the O'don (Shun-kah-mo-lah) -- Tradition of the Omaha departure form the Osage (Pah-nee-wah-with-tah) -- Making the Buffalo come (Charles Wah-hre-she) -- Deer-hunting stories -- The vision of a war leader (Charles Wah-hre-she) -- Death of an old warrior -- Origin of the hair bundle (Me-ke-wah-ti-an-kah) --^
Origin of the whistle bundle -- Origin of the mourning dance (Black Dog) -- The lost warrior (Saucy Calf) -- Captive of the Pawnee -- The boy driven from home -- The woman war leader (Tho'-xi Zhin-ga) -- The youngest wife -- The unfaithful wife (Pah-nee-wah-with-tah) -- Mourning dance for yellow ears (Saucy Calf) -- The two young men who mourned their living fater (Andrew Jackson) -- The wa-kon'-da-gi, or medicine men -- Strange medicine man -- The death of Village Maker -- Big Bear and Runs-to-meet-men -- The cruel medicine man and the orphan -- Wah-ti-an-kah (Bacon Rind) -- Dreamers (Shun-kah-mo-lah) -- The woman dreamer -- Spirit woman (Hlu-ah-wah-tah) -- The flute ghost story (Ben Wheeler) -- The young warrier and his dead wife -- Return of the dead (Charles Wah-hre-she) -- The little people (Tho'-xi Zhin-ga) -- The demon animal (Ben Wheeler) -- The squirrel maidens -- The hawk and the horned owl (Tho'-xi Zhin-ga) -- The four coyotes and the persimmons (Tho'-xi Zhin-ga) --^