Three Chapters. Pontifical authority and imperial power in the reign of Justinian : pope Vigilius ; Arator, un poète au service de la politique du pape Vigile? ; Vigilius in the Liber Pontificalis : a memory lost, or manipulated? ; Le rôle des expertises dans les débats théologiques de VIe siècle ; Council, emperor and bishops : authority and orthodoxy in the three chapters controversy -- Bishops and elites in late Roman Italy. Le recrutement des évêques en italie aux IVe et Ve siècles : essai d'enquête prosoporgraphique ; The bishop's men : episcopal power in the city ; The bishops of Italy in late antique society : a new elite? ; The Christian gift and its economic impact in Late Antiquity -- Sacred places in the late Roman Empire. Locus orationis ou domus Dei : le témoignage de Zénon de Vérone sur l'évolution des églises (tractatus II, 6) ; The end of pagan holy places in the West : problems and method ; Places of Christian worship and their serialization in late Antiquity ; Chronologie, topographie, histoire : quelques hypothèses sur S. Felix in Pincis, église disparue -- Organization and communication in ancient Christianity. La circulation de l'information dans les Églises ; The Church in the Roman Empire : changes without reform and reforms without change ; How were bishops informed : information transmission across the Adriatic Sea in Late Antiquity.