Moral virtue and reasons for action / Robert Audi -- Toward a pluralist and teleological theory of normativity / David Copp -- Pyrrhonian moral skepticism and the problem of the criterion / Michael DePaul -- Skepticism about persons / John M. Doris -- Expressivism and contrary-forming negation / Terry Horgan and Mark Timmons -- Values and morals : outline of a skeptical realism / Michael Huemer -- The ordinary concept of valuing / Joshua Knobe and Erica Roedder -- Real desires and well-being / Joseph Mendola -- Variations in ethical intuitions / Shaun Nichols and Jennifer L. Zamzow -- Internalism for externalists / Peter Railton -- Moral assertion for expressivists / Mike Ridge -- Relational good and the multiplicity problem / Connie S. Rosati -- Mixed-up meta-ethics / Walter Sinnott-Armstrong -- Kinds of consequentialism / Michael Smith -- In defense of future Tuesday indifference : ideally coherent eccentrics and the contingency of what matters / Sharon Street -- The practical role essential to value judgments / Sigrun Svavarsdottir -- Intrinsic values and reasons for action / Ralph Wedgwood -- Emotion and the cognition of reasons in moral motivation / David B. Wong -- Broome and the intuition of neutrality / Wlodek Rabinowicz -- Reply to Rabinowicz / John Broome.