Posterior analytics 2.19 : a dialogue with Plato? / Peter Adamson -- What is peculiar to Plato's and Aristotle's psychologies? What is common to them both? / Amber Carpenter -- Aristotle and the aporêma of the Meno / Gail Fine -- Some conversations with Plato : Aristotle, Metaphysics Z.13-16 / Mary Margaret McCabe -- One virtue or many? : Aristotle's Politics 1.13 and the Meno / Dominic Scott -- Aristotle and Plato's Symposium / Frisbee Sheffield -- Stoic cosmological limits and their Platonic background / Paul Scade -- Stoic ontology and Plato's Sophist / John Sellars -- Praebebam enim me facilem opinionibus magnorum virorum : the reception of Plato in Seneca, Epistulae morales 102 / Jula Wildberger -- Diogenes of Babylon reading Plato on music / Linda Woodward.