"Charles Dickens, a man so representative of his age as to have become considered synonymous with it, demands to be read in context. Th is book illuminates the worlds - social, political, economic and artistic - in which Dickens worked. Dickens's professional life encompassed work as novelist, journalist, editor, public reader and passionate advocate of social reform. Th is volume off ers a detailed treatment of Dickens in each of these roles, exploring the central features of Dickens's age, work and legacy, and uncovering sometimes surprising faces of the man and of the range of Dickens industries. Through forty-five digestible short chapters written by a leading expert on each topic, a rounded picture emerges of Dickens's engagement with his time, the infl uence of his works, and the ways he has been read, adapted and reimagined from the nineteenth century to the present"--
"Charles Dickens, a man so representative of his age as to have become considered synonymous with it, demands to be read in context. This book illuminates the worlds - social, political, economic and artistic - in which Dickens worked. Dickens's professional life encompassed work as a novelist, journalist, editor, public reader and passionate advocate of social reform. This volume offers a detailed treatment of Dickens in each of these roles, exploring the central features of Dickens's age, work and legacy, and uncovering sometimes surprising faces of the man and of the range of Dickens industries. Through 45 digestible short chapters written by a leading expert on each topic, a rounded picture emerges of Dickens's engagement with his time, the influence of his works and the ways he has been read, adapted and re-imagined from the nineteenth century to the present"--
Includes bibliographical references (p. 373-388) and index.
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Part I : Life and after life. -- The life of Dickens 1 : before Ellen Ternan / John Bowen -- The life of Dickens 2 : after Ellen Ternan / John Bowen -- Dickens's lives / Michael Slater -- Victorian stage adaptations and novel appropriations / Anne Humpherys -- Reviewing Dickens in the Victorian periodical press / John Drew -- The European context / Michael Hollington -- Major twentieth-century critical responses / Toru Sasaki -- Modern stage adaptations / Tony Williams -- Modern screen adaptations / Toru Sasaki -- The heritage industry / Juliet John -- Neo-Victorian Dickens / Cora Kaplan -- Part II : Social and cultural contexts. -- Popular culture / Paul Schlicke -- The rise of celebrity culture / Joss Marsh -- The newspaper and periodical market / John Drew -- Authorship and the professional writer / Florian Schweizer -- The theatre / Marty Gould -- Melodrama / Juliet John -- The Bildungsroman / Florian Schweizer -- Visual culture / Kate Flint -- The historical novel / Ian Duncan -- The illustrated novel / Mary Elizabeth Leighton and Lisa Surridge -- Christmas / Sally Ledger -- Childhood / Holly Furneaux -- Work / Martin Danahay -- Europe / Ruth Livesey -- The Victorians and America / Ella Dzelzainis -- Educating the Victorians / Patrick Brantlinger -- London / Anne Humpherys -- Politics / Michael Sanders -- Political economy / Paul Young -- The aristocracy / Andrew Sanders -- The middle classes / Priti Joshi -- Urban migration and mobility / Josephine McDonagh -- Financial markets and the banking system / Francis O'Gorman -- Empires and colonies / Grace Moore -- Race / Priti Joshi -- Crime / Anne Schwan -- The law / Jan-Melissa Schramm -- Religion / Emma Mason -- Science / James Mussell -- Transport / Jonathan H. Grossman -- Illness, disease and social hygiene / Janis McLarren Caldwell -- Domesticity / Catherine Waters -- Sexuality / Holly Furneaux -- Gender identities / Catherine Waters.