Black Soldiers at Fort Hays, Kansas, 1867-1869: a study in civilian and military violence / James N. Leiker -- "Pap" Singleton's Dunlap Colony: relief agencies and the failure of a Black settlement in eastern Kansas / Joseph V. Hickey -- Vengeance without justice, injustice without retribution: the Afro-American council's struggle against racial violence / Shawn Leigh Alexander -- Prelude to Brownsville: the twenty-fifth infantry at Fort Niobrara, Nebraska, 1902-1906 / Thomas R. Buecker -- Black enclaves of violence: race and homicide in Great Plains cities, 1890-1920 / Clare V. McKanna Jr. -- A socioeconomic portrait of Prince Hall masonry in Nebraska, 1900-1920 / Dennis N. Mihelich -- Diplomatic racism: Canadian government and Black migration from Oklahoma, 1905-1912 / R. Bruce Shepard -- "This strange white world": race and place in Era Bell Thompson's American daughter / Michael K. Johnson -- The new negro arts and letters movement among Black university students in the midwest, 1914-1940 / Richard M. Breaux -- Great plains pragmatist: Aaron Douglas and the art of social protest / Audrey Thompson -- Frompin' in the Great Plains: listening and dancing to the jazz orchestras of Alphonso Trent, 1925-1944 / Marc Rice -- Early civil rights activism in Topeka, Kansas, prior to the 1954 Brown case / Jean Van Delinder -- The Great Plains sit-in movement, 1958-1960 / Ronald Walters -- The Omaha gospel complex in historical perspective / Tom Jack.