Ch. 1. Background -- Ch. 2. Overview of the Mental Health Act 2007 -- Ch. 3. 'Mental Disorder' and the Availability of Appropriate Treatment -- Ch. 4. Statutory Powers and Responsibilities: the Powers and Duties of Mental Health Staff -- Ch. 5. Relatives, Independant Mental Health Advocates, and Hospital Managers -- Ch. 6. Powers of detention under the Mental Health Act 1983 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 -- Ch. 7. Detention of Mentally Disordered Offenders -- Ch. 8. Compulsory Powers in the Community -- Ch. 9. Discharge and review of the lawfulness of detention by Mental Health Review Tribunals and the courts -- Ch. 10. Consent to Treatment for Mental Disorder -- Ch. 11. Children -- Ch. 12. Criminal Offences and Transfer of Patients Between Jurisdictions -- App. Mental Health Act 1983 (1983 c 20) (as amended by the Mental Health Act 2007)