Preface / Sonja Fielitz and Uwe Meyer -- Grußworte / Wolfgang Frühwald, Leonhard Lipka -- Drama. Portraits of Shakespeare / Stanley Wells and Paul Edmondson -- Gefräßigkeit: titus Andronicus, Timon of Athens / Andreas Höfele -- Timon revisited / Sonja Fielitz -- "When the bad bleeds, then is the tragedy good" / Günter Walch -- Coriolanus' hat: the intrustion of the time into the play / Richard Wilson -- "Were it but told you (...)": reflexions on narrative and theatre in some of Shakespeare's plays / Robert Smallwood -- Zweites Leben: alternative Handlungswelten in Shakespeares Dramen / Ulrich Suerbaum -- Narrative texts. Understanding horses: equestrian ballet and early modern political thought / Barbara Ravelhofer -- "The dog is himself and I am the dog": Eine fiktive Shakespeare-Biographie aus hündischer Perspektive / Ingeborg Boltz -- Flann O'Brien: At swim-two-birds und der angloirische experimentelle Roman / Ulrich Broich -- "(T)o rot on inhospitable ground": the world of academia in the works of Alan Isler / Uwe Meyer -- Poetry. The Earl of Surrey's Geraldine-Sonnet contextualized: cultural (mis- ) representations of Ireland in the early modern, the enlightened and the contemporary period / Dieter Fuchs -- Shakespeares Rape of Lucrece in Deutschland: Ein vorläufiger Bericht / Dieter Mehle -- Chasing allusions in Pope's fifht Pastoral, "Messiah" / Nigel Wood -- The arts. "Touring Shakespeare": Globale (T)räume und Netzwerke / Vanessa Schormann -- From Straftord to Weimar: scenes from Shakespeare / Christa Jansohn.