Foreword / Sir Mark Stanhope -- Introduction / G.H. Bennett -- The Attack on St. Nazaire, 28 March, 1942 / Tactical, Torpedo and Staff Duties Division (Historical Section), Naval Staff, Admiralty. Battle Summary No. 12, B.R. 1736 (34) (48). T.S.D. 35/48 -- The Attack on the Tirpitz by Midget Submarines (Operation 'Source'), 22 September, 1943 / Tactical, Torpedo and Staff Duties Division (Historical Section), Naval Staff, Admiralty. Battle Summary No. 29, B.R. 1736 (22) (48). T.S.D. 21/45 -- Naval Aircraft Attack on the Tirpitz (Operation 'Tungsten'), 3 April, 1944 / Tactical, Torpedo and Staff Duties Division (Historical Section), Naval Staff, Admiralty. Battle Summary No. 27, B.R. 1736. T.S.D. 759/44 -- Tirpitz, An Account of the Various Attacks Carried Out by the British Armed Forces and Their Effect Upon the German Battleship, 1948 / Reports and Appendices. B.R. 1736 (22) (A) -- Personal Accounts -- Photographs.