Obtaining life-cycle cost-effective facilities in the Department of Defense / Constantine Samaras, Abigail Haddad, Clifford A. Grammich, Katharine Watkins Webb ; prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, approved for public release, distribution unlimited.
Obtaining life-cycle cost-effective facilities in the Department of Defense / Constantine Samaras, Abigail Haddad, Clifford A. Grammich, Katharine Watkins Webb ; prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, approved for public release, distribution unlimited.
Key findings -- Acknowledgments -- Glossary -- Introduction -- Legislative background on life-cycle cost analysis for military construction -- Study motivation and research approach -- Outline of this report -- DoD facility development, construction and operating process and barriers to -- Life-cycle cost-effectiveness -- Incentives and barriers to life-cycle cost-effectiveness at each step of the military -- Construction process -- Role of building codes in determining construction material -- The role of the international building code and building types -- Tradeoffs between annual O & M costs and initial capital costs -- Conclusions and observations -- DoD is currently incorporating life-cycle costing in many aspects of the MILCON -- Process -- Challenges in obtaining life-cycle cost effective facilities -- Observations and potential improvements -- Appendix A: RAND interview protocol used in this research -- Appendix B: Navy MILCON team planning and programming process diagram -- Appendix C: Sample U.S. Army DD Form 1391, from USACE.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 53-59).
Performer (note)
Abigail Haddard, Clifford A. Grammich, Katherin Watkins Webb.
Processing Action (note)
committed to retain
Introduction -- The DoD facility development, construction, and operating process and barriers to life-cycle cost-effectiveness -- The role of building codes in determining construction material -- Tradeoffs between annual O & M costs and initial capital costs -- Conclusions and observations.