Flowers in the desert : the search for Chile's disappeared = Flores en el desierto : la bâusqueda de los desaparecidos de Chile / Paula Allen ; foreword by Isabel Allende ; afterword by Ariel Dorfman ; with contributions from Patricia Verdugo, Peter Kornbluh, and Mary Helen Spooner.
Flowers in the desert : the search for Chile's disappeared = Flores en el desierto : la bâusqueda de los desaparecidos de Chile / Paula Allen ; foreword by Isabel Allende ; afterword by Ariel Dorfman ; with contributions from Patricia Verdugo, Peter Kornbluh, and Mary Helen Spooner.
An account, including stunning photographs, of the search by some of the women of the town of Calama, Chile, for the remains of their loved ones who were murdered and "disappeared" by the Pinochet regime.
The women = Las mujeres -- The association = La agrupación -- Where are they? = ¿Dónde Están? -- The grave = La fosa -- The encounter = El encuentro -- After thirty years = Despues de treinta Años -- The aftermath of Pinochet = El ocaso de Pinochet -- The official incident report on Calama = El informe oficial de Calama -- Where is justice? = ¿Dónde está la justicia? -- The loved ones = Los seres queridos.