Part 1 : Theology -- Head and heart in Christian theology / Geoff Dumbreck -- "Keeping alive the heart in the head" : poetic imagination as a way of knowing / Malcolm Guite -- "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you" : head and heart in recent analytical philosophy of religion and natural theology / Russell Re Manning -- Part 2 : psychology -- Empirical measures of the religious heart / Bonnie Poon Zahl, Carissa A. Sharp, and Nicholas J. S. Gibson -- Dual-system theories of religious cognition / Fraser Watts -- Part 3 : application -- Head and heart in preventing religious radicalization / Sara Savage -- Head God and heart God : pastoral work to help clients overcome harmful God images / Glendon L. Moriarty -- Religious education / Sally Myers -- Part 4 : integration -- Head, heart and wisdom / Harris Wiseman -- The head and the heart of the matter in hope and forgiveness / Liz Gulliford -- Conclusion : Head and heart in cultural context / Fraser Watts.