"This work grapples with key issues of reality (both potentiality and actuality), scale (both local and global), context (scale and approximation, plus asymmetry/symmetry), and process (both emergence and actual events). Building on a convergence of progress in physics, emergence research, and process thought, this work highlights a new relational realism, which enables intuitive, yet effective, solutions to key problems in modern science."--Cover page 4.
Physics and speculative philosophy / Timothy E. Eastman, Michael Epperson, and David Ray Griffin -- Potentiality in natural philosophy / Karim Bschir -- Res potentia and res extensa linked, hence united, by quantum measurement / Stuart Kauffman -- Bridging necessity and contingency in quantum mechanics / Michael Epperson -- Boolean localization of quantum events / Elias Zafiris -- A logical analysis of relational realism / George Shields -- On the foundations of process physics / Christopher M. Klinger -- Process physics: self-referential information and experiential reality / Reginald T. Cahill -- On "process physics" / Timothy E. Eastman -- Limitations, approximations and reality / Timothy E. Eastman -- Whiteheadian physics: its implications for time, consciousness, and freedom / David Ray Griffin.