Research Catalog
Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Papyrology / edited by Tomasz Derda, Adam Łajtar, Jakub Urbanik ; in cooperation with Andrzej Merończuk, Grzegorz Ochała.
- Title
- Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Papyrology / edited by Tomasz Derda, Adam Łajtar, Jakub Urbanik ; in cooperation with Andrzej Merończuk, Grzegorz Ochała.
- Author
- International Congress of Papyrology (27th : 2013 : Warsaw, Poland)
- Publication
- Warsaw : University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration : Institute of Archaeology : The Raphael Taubenschlag Foundation, 2016.
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3 Items
Status | Vol/Date | Format | Access | Call Number | Item Location |
v.3 | Book/Text | Request in advance | PA3339 .I5 2013 v.3 | Off-site | |
v.2 | Book/Text | Request in advance | PA3339 .I5 2013 v.2 | Off-site | |
v.1 | Book/Text | Request in advance | PA3339 .I5 2013 v.1 | Off-site |
- Additional Authors
- Description
- 3 volumes : illustrations (some color), maps, plans; 24 cm.
- Series Statement
- Journal of juristic papyrology. Supplement ; XXVIII
- Uniform Title
- Journal of juristic papyrology. Supplement ; v. 28.
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Conference papers and proceedings
- Actes de congrès.
- Note
- Proceedings of conference held in Warsaw, Poland from July 29-August 3, 2013.
- "The 27th International Congress of Papyrology, under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland, gathered more than 300 scholars from the papyrology field in Warsaw. In keynote papers the experts in singular fields of papyrology were called upon to present the rest of our community with the novelties and curiosities rather than with a comprehensive and tedious list of the most recent literature. And so each morning of our five-day Congress was dedicated to one of the more general branches of papyrology; a common topic that would bring together a number of papers in which the speakers aimed to bring back the integrity to the shattered picture of papyrological science. We have decided to publish these snapshots of the discipline ad 2013 before the general Proceedings, creating thus a special issue of the Journal. We hope that in such a way these images would become more accessible to the scientific world of Classics."--Oxbow Books website.
- Bibliography (note)
- Includes bibliographical references.
- Language (note)
- Contributions in English, Italian, German, or French.
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- Contents
- Volume One. Literary Papyri : Texts and Studies. Opening Lecture. Illegitimacy in Roman and Late Antique Egypt / Roger S.Bagnall. Section One. Poetry. Contribution of the new papyri to the history of Hesiod's text / José Antonio Fernández Delgado -- Theseus' and Pirithous' catabasis in P. Ibscher col. I (Hes. fr. 280 Merkelbach-West = Minyas fr. 7 Bernabé) / Marco Antonio Santamaría Álvarez -- A new reconstruction of Sappho 44 (P. Oxy. X 1232 + P. Oxy. XVII 2076) / C. Michael Sampson -- Anacreonte, Poetae Melici Graeci 346/1, fr. 1, 1-12: Uno scherzo sull'erõs del potere politico / Benedetto Bravo -- A new look at the Würzburg Phoenissae commentary / Kathleen McNamee -- P. Berol. 5514 re-examined : textual and exegetical problemsin Euripides, Melanippe desmotis, fr. 495 Kannicht / Fjodor Montemurro -- How to serve a giant fish? Pap. Duk. F 1984.7 = Adesp. Com.1146 K. -A.: Some textual problems / Krystyna Bartol --
- Note sul lessico della rhesis di Panfile (Men., Epitr. 801-835) / Angelo Casanova -- P. Heid. G 310A revisited : Hellenistic sotadeans, hexameters, and more? / Jan Kwapisz -- A Hellenistic astronomical poem from Oxyrhynchus / Marco Perale -- Juvenal in Antinoë : Palaeographic and contextual observations on P. Ant. s.n. / Gabriel Nocchi Macedo. Section Two. Prose. Frammenti delle Historiae di Tucidide su rotoli riutilizzati: uno studio bibliologico e paleografico / Natascia Pellé -- P. Mich. inv. 918 e la tradizione della terza Filippica di Demostene / Francesca De Robertis -- Esegesi demostenica su papiro : P. Lit. Lond. 179 [MP3 307] / Rosa Otranto -- The Parthenope's novel : P. Berol. 7927 + 9588 + 21179 revisited / María Paz López Martínez, Consuelo Ruiz Montero -- New light on P. Strasb. Gr. 1406-1409 : An early witness of Secundus' sentences / Giuseppe Ucciardello --
- Le cri d'une victime de la tyrannie : La théâtralisation des débats dans les Acta Appiani / Chris Rodriguez -- Acta Appiani : Gerüchte über den kaiserlichen Hof in Alexandria / Natalia Vega Navarrete. Section Three. Herculaneum Papyri. Towards a comprehensive edition of the evidence for pre-socratic philosophy in the Herculaneum papyri / Christian Vassallo -- L'edizione di Epicuro, Sulla natura, libro II / Giuliana Leone -- P. Herc. 454: Una "scorza" di Epicuro, Sulla natura XXV (P. Herc.1420/1056) / Aurora Corti -- P. Herc. 1020 (Stoici scriptoris anonymi opus incertum) : Condizioni fisiche, aspetti bibliologici e storia editoriale / Michele Alessandrelli, Graziano Ranocchia -- Nuovi frammenti del De adulatione di Filodemo (P. Herc. 1092) / Mario Capasso -- Contributo al testo del P. Herc. 1423 (Filodemo, Retorica, libro IV) / Mariacristina Fimiani --
- P. Herc. 1004 ([Filodemo], [Sulla retorica], libro incerto) : Condizioni fisiche, descrizione bibliologica e storia degli studi / Graziano Ranocchia -- Segni di interpunzione e di correzione nel P. Herc. 1004 (Filodemo, Retorica VII) / Matilde Fiorillo -- Il P. Herc. 1471 (Filodemo, La libertà di parola) nelle carte Vogliano / Giovanni Indelli, Francesca Longo Auricchio -- New readings in Philodemus' Index Academicorum : Dio of Alexandria (P. Herc. 1021, col. XXXV, 17-19) / Kilian Fleischer -- La reconstruction du P. Herc. Paris. 2, Philodème, [La Calomnie]: Quelques nouveautés textuelles / Daniel Delattre, Joëlle Delattre-Biencourt, Annick Monet, Agathe Antoni -- "Aristarchus X" and Philodemus : Digital linguistic analysis of a Herculanean text corpus / Holger Essler, Daniel Riaño Rufilanchas -- Verso una nuova edizione del P. Herc. 188 (Demetrio Lacone, Sulla poesia I) : Storia del papiro ed indentificazione degli avversari / Michael McOsker --
- Osservazioni preliminari sul P. Herc. 124 / Antonio Parisi -- Il titolo del P. Herc. 1005 / Gianluca Del Mastro. Section Four. Christian Literary Papyri. The "Alexandrian world chronicle" : Place in the late antique chronical traditions, date, and historical implications / Jitse H.F. Dijkstra -- I papiri greci dell'Asceticon dell'abate Isaia / Marco Stroppa -- P. Duke Inv. 766 : Le plus ancien témoin papyrologique d'un canon poétique liturgique / Alan Gampel, Céline Grassien. --
- Volume Two. Subliterary Papyri, Documentary Papyri, Scribal Practices, Linguistic Matters. Section Five. Popular Literature, Medicine, Magic, Letters. Page of an oracle book : Papyrus Kellis 96.150 / Francisca A. J. Hoogendijk -- P.Oxy. XXXI 2607 re-edited : A Greek oneirocriticon from Roman Egypt / Luigi Prada -- P.Ryl. III 530 and the Latin commentaries to the Hippocratic aphorisms / Ann Ellis Hanson -- Between text and context : P. Oslo II 54 reconsidered / Isabella Bonati -- Inventaire et typologie des listes grecques et latines de produits pharmaceutiques / Antonio Ricciardetto -- Magical discourses, ritual collections : Cultural trends and private interests in Egyptian handbooks and archives / Korshi Dosoo -- Legibility in the Greek magical papyri : The treatment of formulae in PGM IV / Rachel Yuen-Collingridge -- Die Handhabung magischer Schriftamulette im römischen Ägypten / Laura Willer --
- A Christian amulet containing a doxology with sketches onthe back / Lincoln H. Blumell -- The Sethian context to a Coptic handbook of ritual power (= P. Macquarie I) / Iain Gardner -- Du texte littéraire au document : Les connexions entre les papyrus littéraires et documentaires grecs et latins / Marie-Hélène Marganne -- On the other side of the dialogue : letters addressed to women from Roman Egypt / Amaia Goñi Zabalegui -- Handshifts in letters / Antonia Sarri. Section Six. Collections of Papryi. Archives d'Apa Sabinos dans le fonds copte de la Sorbonne / María Jesús Albarrán Martínez -- Papiri della collezione dell'Università Cattolica di Milano provenienti dalla Grande Oasi / Carla Balconi -- Papyri in Paris : The Greek papyrus collection in the Bibliothèque nationale de France / Katherine Blouin -- Demotic texts from Leipzig / Franziska Naether -- D'Apollonopolis Magna à Varsovie : Regard sur les textes démotiques d'Edfou dans les collections olonaises / Déborah Vignot-Kott. Section Seven. Greek and Latin Papyri and Ostraca : New and Revisited Texts. BKT IX 158 revisited : An extract from judicial proceedings rather than a prose fragment / Panagiota Sarischouli -- Un type méconnu de document administratif militaire : la demande de versement de frumentum praeteritum (O. Claud. inv. 7235 et ChLA XVIII 662) / Hélène Cuvigny -- PSI inv. 1816 : Una lettera privata in scrittura libraria / Eleonora Angela Conti --
- Two unpublished documents from the Coptic Museum in Cairo / Alia Hanafi -- A boule-papyrus from Karanis / Fatma E. Hamouda -- Three Greek ostraca from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo / Shareen A. Aly -- The Gerontios-Archive : A sub-archive to the Abinnaeus-Archive? / Nadine Quenouille -- Le monastère de Dorothée dans la montagne d'Antinoopolis / Anne Boud'hors, Jean Gascou -- Ten new documents from the archive of the elaiourgoi of Aphrodite (O. Cairo Museum S.R. 18953) / Seham D. A. Aish, Noha A. Salem. Section Eight. Coptic Papyri and Ostraca. Apprendre à lire et à écrire : deux documents coptes revisités / Anne Boud'hors -- The ostraca of Victor the priest found in the hermitage MMA 1152 / Esther Garel -- Coptic documents in two copies: A study of corrections and amendments / Jennifer Cromwell. Section Nine. Arabic Papyri. Half a sale contract or an unknown type of document?? Going deeper into P. Cair. EgLib. inv. 885 verso / Ursula Bsees -- An Arabic horoscope on parchment with a square diagram for AD 1002 (P. Vind. inv. A. Perg. 236) / Johannes Thomann. Section Ten. Anatomy of a Text, Bibliological Matters. Use and reuse of papyrus rolls and scraps : Some bibliological matters / Francesca Maltomini -- Scriptio plena vs. élision dans les papyrus littéraires : Les papyrus ptolémaïques avec des textes poétiques / Francisca Pordomingo -- Titles and markers of poem-end in the papyri of Greek choral lyric / Enrico Emanuele Prodi -- Title, ἀρχή, ὑπόθεσις : Notes on the heading and arrangement of the tragic hypotheses on papyrus / Chiara Meccariello -- Sistemi di correzione nei papiri letterari greco-egizi : Considerazioni preliminari / Chiara Martis --
- P. Oxy. LXIV 4405 : An early witness to a system of textual division at Oxyrhynchus / Thomas A. Wayment, Michael R. Trotter -- Symboles et abréviations chrétiens dans les papyrus littéraires grecs à contenu profane (IVe-VIIe siècles) / Nathan Carlig. Section Eleven. Language, Vocabulary, and Onomastics. Egyptian transfer elements in the Greek of Narmouthis ostraka / Sonja Dahlgren -- Multilingualism in Christian Nubia : A case study of the monastery of Ghazali (Wadi Abu Dom, Sudan) / Grzegorz Ochała -- Coniugare nell'una e nell'altra lingua : Sondaggi delle flessioni verbali greco-latine su papiro / Maria Chiara Scappaticcio -- Dative and genitive case interchange in Greek papyri / Joanne Vera Stolk -- Μονόσκορδον (PGM IV 2209) / Elena Martín González -- Les noms bibliques des Juifs dans l'Égypte hellénistique / Zsuzsanna Szántó. Volume Three. Studying Papyri. Section Twelve. History of Papyrology, New Papyrological Tools. Wilckens Briefe an britische Kollegen / Holger Essler -- Charles Wessely à la "Semaine Égyptologique" de Bruxelles / Alain Martin -- Topography of Egypt online / Herbert Verreth -- Die Berliner Papyrusdatenbank (BerlPap) / Marius Gerhardt -- La culture matérielle dans les papyrus : une nouvelle entreprise lexicographique / Jean-Luc Fournet, Simona Russo -- Data processing and state management in Late Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt : The project "Synopsis" and the archive of Menches / Nicola Reggiani. Section Thirteen. Papyrology and Archaeology. Ostraka and stratigraphy at Amheida (Dakhla Oasis, Egypt) : A methodological issue / Rodney Ast, Paola Davoli --
- Nuovi ritrovamenti di papiri e ostraka a Soknopaiou Nesos (2010-2012) / Mario Capasso -- Two new texts from Oxyrhynchus : Archaeology and papyrology on the site / Alberto Nodar -- Archaeological and papyrological inquiry at Karanis : Problems and potentialities / Thomas Landvatter -- Ogetti iscritti appartenenti alla collezione dell'Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli" / Giovanna Menci -- La papyrologie à la rencontre de l'archéologie : Le lexique des mobiliers d'éclairage / Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert. Section Fourteen. Juristic Papyrology. Judean legal reasoning in P.Polit. Iud. 3-5 : A research report / Rob Kugler -- Noch einmal zum Erfahrungsprofil des Apostels Paulus aus rechtshistorischer Sicht / Joachim Hengstl -- The new complete edition of P. Haun. De legatis et fideicommissis : Some remarks / Fara Nasti. Section Fifteen. Hellenistic Egypt. Queens' wealth / Lucia Criscuolo -- Harvest taxes on cleruchic land in the third century BC / Andrew Monson -- Boats and skippers in the service of Apollonios the dioiketes especially in Zenon's Alexandrian years (261-256 BC) / Hans Hauben -- Les Égyptiens dans les forces armées de terre et de mer sous les trois premiers Lagides / Christelle Fischer-Bovet -- The meaning of the word πολíτευæα in the light of the Judaeo-Hellenistic literature / Patrick Sänger -- Amtsdauer und -nachfolge von Eklogistai vom ausgehenden ersten Jh. v.u.Z. an in Ägypten / Christian-Jürgen Gruber. Section Sixteen. Roman Egypt. C. Calpurnius Proculus and an example of Greek stenography under Augustus / Livia Capponi -- Contracts and people in early Roman Tebtunis : A complex affair / Micaela Langellotti -- Comptes du temple de Soknopaios à Dimé à l'époque romaine / Marie-Pierre Chaufray --
- Double greetings in P. Brem. 5 and some other remarks on Hadrian's Egypt / Adam Łukaszewicz -- Zu den Kompetenzen des administrativen Hilfspersonals der enchorischen Beamten in der römischen Kaiserzeit / Thomas Kruse. Section Seventeen. Late Antique Egypt. Taxes and people : Transactions and misuses in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine Egypt / Miroslava Mirković -- Who was who in the aristocracy of Byzantine Oxyrhynchus / Usama A. Gad -- Die Topoteretai im spẵtantiken und früharabischen Ägypten / Alexandra Jesenko -- Polizeiliche Erzwingungs- und Verwaltungsstäbe im spätantiken Ägypten / Karin Maurer, Sven Tost -- Welche Gefängnisse kontrolliert der Pagarch / Matthias Stern -- L'irrigation des terres du village d'Aphroditê à l'époque byzantine / Isabelle Marthot. Section Eighteen. Living in Egypt in Graeco-Roman Times. Decisional practices of private associations in Ptolemaic and Early Roman Egypt / Mario C. D. Paganini -- Le navire kerkouros, une galère marchande fluviomaritime? Pour une contribution à l'étude de la mobilité commerciale sur le Nil / Lucia Rossi -- Import of luxury goods in the light of the papyri of the Roman period / Isabella Andorlini -- Laissez-passers in the light of documentary evidence from Mons Claudianus AD 98-117 / Yousry Deyab -- Antinoopolis by land and river / Myrto Malouta -- Where was Psenharpsenêsis / Eman Aly Selim -- Who hides behind the god Djeme? / Claudia Tirel Cena -- Where is the party? / Rasha Hussein el-Mofatch. Section Nineteen. Arabia and Beyond.
- From carbonized papyri to the Monastery of Saint Aaron at Petra : The "last will" of Mr. Obodianos (P. Petra Inv. 6A) / Jaakko Frösén -- The division of landed property in P. Petra 17 / Jorma Kaimio -- New discoveries of documentary texts from Bactria : Political and cultural change, administrative continuity / Rachel Mairs.
- 9788393842582
- 8393842581
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- SCSB-11196846
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- Harvard Library