1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution is a collection of literary responses to one of the most cataclysmic events in modern world history, which exposes the immense conflictedness and doubt, conviction and hope, pessimism and optimism which political events provoked among contemporary writers - sometimes at the same time, even in the same person. This dazzling panorama of thought, language and form includes work by authors who are already well known to the English-speaking world (Bulgakov, Pasternak, Akhmatova, Mayakovsky), as well as others, whose work we have the pleasure of encountering here for the very first time in English.
Alternative Title
Nineteen hundred seventeen : stories and poems from the Russian revolution
The revolution : a poem-chronicle. Stolen wine -- A distant voice -- Wake me tomorrow -- Iron flowers -- Purifying fire -- Our march -- Prose. The break -- The red train -- The guillotine -- Apocalypse -- Of dragons and men -- Blue banners and scarlet sails -- Future prospects.