Research Catalog

Baker's dictionary of theology

Baker's dictionary of theology / Everett F. Harrison, editor-in-chief ; Geoffrey W. Bromiley, associate editor ; Carl F.H. Henry, consulting editor.
Grand Rapids : Baker Book House, 1960.

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Additional Authors
  • Harrison, Everett Falconer, 1902-
  • Bromiley, G. W. (Geoffrey William)
  • Henry, Carl F. H. (Carl Ferdinand Howard), 1913-2003
566 pages; 25 cm
A dictionary of theological and ecclesiastical terms with philosophical terms which have religious significance. Also included are the various sects and movements which belong to the history of the church.
Alternative Title
Dictionary of theology
  • Theology > Dictionaries
  • Theology > dictionaries
  • Theology
  • Theologie
  • Dictionary
  • dictionaries.
  • Dictionaries
  • Dictionaries.
  • Dictionnaires.
  • Includes bibliography.
Bibliography (note)
  • Includes bibliographical references.
  • Abaddon -- Abba -- Abecedarians -- Abide, Abiding -- Ability -- Ablution -- Abomination -- Abomination of Desolation -- Abraham -- Abraham's Bosom -- Absolution -- Abstinence -- Abyss -- Acceptance -- Access -- Accommodation -- Accountability -- Adam -- Adiaphora -- Admonition -- Adoption -- Adoptionism -- Adoration -- Adultery -- Advent of Christ -- Advocate -- Affections -- Age -- Agnosticism -- Agony -- Albigenses -- Alexandria, School of -- Allegory -- Alms, Almsgiving -- Alpha and Omega -- Altar -- Amazement -- Ambassador -- Amen -- Am Ha-ares -- Amyraldism -- Anabaptists -- Analogy -- Anathema -- Anchorite -- Angel -- Animism -- Annihilationism -- Annunciation -- Anointing -- Anthropomorphism -- Antichrist -- Antilegomena -- Antinomianism -- Antioch, School of -- Antitype -- Apocalyptic, Apocalypse -- Apocrypha -- Apollinarianism -- Apologetics -- Apostasy -- Apostle -- Apostolic Constitutions and Canons -- Apostolic Decree -- Apostolic Succession -- Arcani Disciplina -- Archaeology -- Arianism -- Armageddon -- Arminianism -- Armor -- Article of Faith -- Ascension, The -- Asceticism -- Ash Wednesday -- Assumption of Mary -- Assurance -- Astrology -- Atheism -- Atonement -- Attributes, The Divine -- Augsburg Confession -- Augustinianism -- Authenticity -- Authority -- Avenge -- Awakening.
  • Babylon -- Baptism -- Baptism, Believers' -- Baptism, Infant -- Baptism for the Dead -- Baptismal Regeneration -- Baptists -- Barbarian -- Beatific Vision -- Beatification -- Beelzebub -- Beginning -- Begotten -- Beloved -- Benediction -- Betrayal -- Bible -- Biblical Theology -- Binding and Loosing -- Bishop -- Blasphemy -- Bless, Blessed, Blessing -- Blood -- Boasting -- Body -- Bondage -- Bow, Rainbow -- Branch -- Bread -- Breaking of Bread -- Bride, Bridegroom -- Brother, Brethren -- Building -- Bull (Papal) -- Burial -- Burnt Offering.
  • Call, Called, Calling -- Calvinism -- Canon Law -- Canonization (of saints) -- Canticle -- Captain of Salvation -- Care (Anxiety) -- Casuistry -- Catechumen -- Catholic -- Celibacy -- Cenobite -- Cerinthians -- Chasten, Chastise -- Chastity -- Cherub, Cherubim -- Child, Children -- Christian -- Christian Year -- Christianity -- Christmas -- Christology -- Church -- Church Government -- Circumcision -- Citizenship -- City -- Clean, Unclean -- Clergy -- Collect -- Collection -- Comfort -- Command, Commandment -- Commission, The Great -- Common -- Common Grace -- Communion of the Saints -- Community of Goods -- Comparative Religion -- Compassion -- Conceptualism -- Concision -- Concomitance -- Concordat -- Concupiscence -- Concursus -- Condemn, Condemnation -- Conditional Immortality -- Confession of Christ -- Confession of Faith -- Confession of Sins -- Confessor -- Confidence -- Confirmation -- Conformity -- Conscience -- Consecrate, Consecration -- Consistory -- Consubstantiation -- Contentment -- Contrition -- Controversy -- Conventicle -- Conversation -- Conversion -- Convict, Conviction -- Convocation -- Corban -- Cornerstone -- Correction -- Corruption -- Council -- Counsel -- Courage -- Covenant -- Covenant Theology -- Covenanters -- Covetousness -- Creation -- Creationism -- Creed, Creeds -- Criticism, New Testament -- Criticism, Old Testament -- Cross -- Crown -- Cup -- Curse -- Custom, Customs.
  • Darkness -- David -- Day -- Day of Atonement -- Dayspring -- Deacon -- Dead Sea Scrolls -- Death -- Debtor -- Decalogue -- Deceit -- Decrees, Eternal -- Decretals, False -- Deification -- Deism -- Deliver -- Demiurge -- Demon -- Denial -- Denomination -- Depravity, Total -- Descent into Hell -- Desire -- Destruction -- Determine, Determinate -- Dialectic -- Dichotomy -- Disciple -- Discipline -- Dispensation -- Dispersion -- Divination -- Divorce -- Docetism -- Doctrine -- Dogma -- Dominion -- Donatists -- Door -- Doubt -- Doxology -- Dream -- Drunkenness -- Dualism -- Duty.
  • Earnest -- Easter -- Eat -- Ebionite -- Ecumenical -- Edification -- Egypt -- Elder -- Elect, Election -- Elements of the World, The -- Elijah -- Elkesaites -- Emanation -- Emotion -- Encratites -- Encyclical -- Endurance -- Enemy -- Enlightenment, The -- Enoch -- Ency -- Epicureans -- Epiphany -- Episcopacy, Episcopal -- Epistemology -- Epistle -- Erastianism -- Error -- Eschatology -- Essenes -- Eternal Generation -- Eternal Life -- Eternal Punishment -- Eternity -- Ethics -- Eunomianism -- Eutychianism -- Evangelical -- Evangelist -- Eve -- Evil -- Evolution -- Example -- Excommunication -- Exegesis -- Exhortation -- Existential, Existentialism -- Exodus -- Exorcism -- Expediency -- Experience -- Extreme Unction -- Eye.
  • Face -- Faith -- Faithful, Faithfulness -- Faith-Healing -- Fall, The -- False Christs -- Family -- Fast, Fasting -- Fatalism -- Fatherhood of God -- Fathers -- Fear -- Feasts -- Federal Theology -- Feet-Washing -- Fellowship -- Festivals -- Fig Tree -- Filioque -- Fire -- First and Last -- First-Born -- First Fruits -- Flesh, Fleshly -- Following Christ -- Fool, Foolishness -- Footstool -- Foreknowledge -- Forgiveness -- Form, Likeness -- Form Criticism -- Fornication -- Foundation -- Freedom, Free Will -- Friend -- Fruit -- Fulfill, Fulfillment -- Fullness -- Fullness of Time -- Fundamentalism.
  • Gallicanism -- Garment -- Generation -- Gentiles -- Gentleness -- Glory -- Gnosticism -- God -- Godliness -- Gods -- Goel -- Good, The Good, Goodness -- Good Works -- Gospel -- Grace -- Grave, The -- Greek Orthodox -- Grow, Growth -- Guilt.
  • Hades -- Hand -- Hardening -- Hate, Hatred -- Head -- Heal, Healing -- Hear, Hearken -- Heart -- Heathen, The Fate of -- Heaven -- Heilsgeschichte -- Heir, Inheritance -- Hell -- Hellenist, Hellenism -- Heresy -- Hermetic Literature -- High Priest -- Holiness, Holy -- Holy of Holies -- Honest, Honesty -- Honor -- Hope -- Hosanna -- Hospitality -- Hour, House (Household) -- Humanity of Christ -- Humiliation of Christ -- Humility -- Hypocrisy, Hypocrite -- Hypostasis.
  • Iconoclasm -- Identification with Christ -- Idol, idolatry -- Ignorance -- Illumination -- Image -- Imagination -- Imitation -- Immaculate conception -- Immanence -- Immanuel -- Immortality -- Imputation -- Incarnation -- Incense -- Indulgence -- Infallibility -- Infant salvation -- Inspiration -- Intention -- Intercession -- Interdict -- Intermediate state -- Interpretation (biblical) -- Invocation Irrationalism -- Isaac -- Israel.
  • Jacob -- Jansenism -- Jealous, jealousy -- Jerusalem -- Jesuits -- Jesus -- John the Baptist -- Joseph -- Joy, rejoice -- Judaism -- Judaize, Judaizer -- Judge, judgment -- Just, justify, justification -- Justice -- Kabbala -- Kenosis -- Kind, kindness -- Kingdom of God -- Knowledge.
  • Laity -- Lamb, lamb of God -- Lasciviousness -- Latitudinarianism -- Laugh, laughter -- Law -- Lay baptism -- Laying on of hands -- Leaven -- Lent -- Letter -- Levites -- Liberalism -- Liberality -- Lie -- Life -- Light -- Limbo -- Liturgy -- Living -- Living creature -- Logia -- Logos -- Longsuffering -- Lord -- Lord's day -- Lord's supper -- Lost -- Lot (the), lots -- Love -- Love feast, the -- Loving-kindness -- Lutheranism.
  • Macedonianism -- Magic -- Magnify -- Magog -- Majesty -- Malice -- Mammon -- Man -- Mandaeans -- Manichaeism -- Manifestation -- Maranatha -- Marcionites (or Marcionists) -- Mariolatry -- Maronites -- Marriage -- Martyr -- Mediation, mediator -- Meditate -- Meekness -- Melchizedek -- Mercy -- Mercy seat -- Merit -- Messiah -- Metempsychosis -- Midrash -- Might -- Millennium -- Mind -- Minister, ministry -- Miracle -- Mishnah -- Mission of Christ -- Missions -- Mockery -- Moderation -- Monarchism -- Monasticism, monachism -- Monism -- Monition -- Monophysitism -- Monotheism -- Monothelitism -- Montanism -- Mortal -- Mortify, mortification -- Moses -- Mother of God -- Mystery, mysteries -- Mysticism -- Myth.
  • Name -- Nation -- Naturalism -- Natural law -- Natural theology -- Nature -- Nature, divine -- Nazarene -- Nazarite -- Neighbor -- Neo-orthodoxy -- Neophyte -- Nestorianism -- New commandment -- New creation -- Nonconformity -- Novatianism -- Numerics, Bible -- Numinous.
  • Oath -- Obey, obedience -- Offend, offense, oblation -- Offices of Christ -- Offices, ecclesiastical -- Old Catholics -- Only begotten -- Opus operatum -- Ordain, ordination -- Orders, holy -- Orders, minor -- Ordinance -- Ordo salutis -- Origenism -- Orthodoxy -- Overcome.
  • Paganism -- Pain -- Pantheism -- Parable -- Paradise -- Paradox -- Paronomasia -- Paschal controversy -- Passion -- Passover -- Patience -- Patriarch -- Patriachate -- Patripassianism -- Paul and Paulinism -- Paulicianism -- Peace -- Pelagianism -- Penance -- Pentecostal -- People -- Perfect, perfection -- Perish -- Perpetual virginity -- Persecution -- Perseverance -- Personality -- Personification -- Peter -- Pharisees -- Philanthropy -- Philosophy -- Pietism -- Pity, pitiful -- Pleasure, good pleasure -- Polygamy -- Poor, poverty -- Pope -- Positivism -- Possession -- Power, powers -- Pragmatic sanction -- Praise -- Prayer -- Prayers for the dead -- Preach, preaching -- Precious -- Predestination -- Pre-eminence -- Pre-existence of souls -- Prelacy -- Presence, divine -- Pride -- Priest, priesthood -- Principles -- Priscillianists -- Prize -- Probabilism -- Probation -- Procession of the spirit -- Profane -- Profession -- Promise -- Prophet, prophecy -- Propitation -- Proportion -- Proselyte, proselytism -- Protestantism -- Providence -- Prudence -- Psychology -- Punishment -- Purgatory -- Purification -- Puritan, puritanism -- Purpose.
  • Quartodecimanism -- Quick, quicken -- Quietism -- Ransom -- Rapture -- Rationalism -- Reading -- Ready -- Realism and nominalism -- Real presence -- Reason -- Reatus culpae, reatus poenae -- Rebaptism -- Rebuke -- Reconciliation -- Redeemer, redemption -- Reformation -- Regeneration -- Religion, religious -- Remnant -- Remonstrants -- Renewal -- Repentance -- Reproach -- Reprobate -- Reprove, reproof -- Reservation -- Respect of persons -- Rest -- Restitution -- Restoration of Israel -- Restore, restoration -- Resurrection -- Revelation, natural -- Revelation, special -- Revenge -- Revival -- Reward -- Riddle -- Right, righteousness -- Ritschlianism -- Ritual -- Rock -- Rule, ruler -- Rule of faith.
  • Sabbatarianism -- Sabbath -- Sabellianism -- Sacrament -- Sacrifice -- Sadducees -- Saint -- Salt -- Salutation -- Salvation, save, savior -- Sanctify, sanctification -- Sanctuary -- Sanhedrin -- Satan -- Satisfaction -- Schism -- Scholasticism -- Schoolmaster -- Scribes -- Seal -- Second coming of Christ -- Sect -- Secularism -- See -- Self-control -- Self-denial -- Self-examination -- Semi-Arianism -- Semi-Pelagianism -- Separation -- Servant -- Servant of Jehovah -- Service -- Session -- Seven cardinal virtues -- Seven deadly sins -- Shame -- Sheep -- Shekinah -- Sheol -- Shepherd -- Shiloh -- Similitude -- Simony -- Simplicity -- Sin -- Sincere -- Slave, slavery -- Sleep -- Sober, sobriety -- Socianism -- Son -- Son of perdition -- Sorrow -- Soul -- Soul sleep -- Spirit -- Spirit, holy -- Spirits in prison -- Spiritual gifts -- Spiritualism, spiritism -- Sprinkle, sprinkling -- State -- Statute -- Stewardship -- Stigmata -- Stoics -- Stranger -- Stumbling block -- Substance -- Suffer, suffering -- Suicide -- Sunday -- Supererogation -- Supernatural, supernaturalism -- Superstition -- Sure, surety -- Swedenborgianism -- Symbolism, symbolics -- Sympathy -- Synagogue -- Syncretism -- Synergism.
  • Tabernacle -- Talmud -- Tares -- Targum -- Teach, teaching, teacher -- Teleology -- Temperance -- Temple -- Temptation -- Testament -- Thanksgiving -- Theism -- Theocracy -- Theodicy -- Theology -- Theophany -- Theophoroi -- Theosophy -- Therapeutae -- Think, thought -- Thomism -- Throne -- Time -- Tithes -- Toleration -- Tractarianism -- Tradition -- Traducianism -- Transcendence -- Transcendentalism -- Transfiguration -- Translation -- Transubstantiation -- Tribulation -- Trichotomy -- Trinity -- Trisagion -- Truth -- Type, typology.
  • Ultramontanism -- Unbelief -- Unblameable -- Uncircumcision, uncircumcised -- Understanding -- Ungodliness -- Union with God -- Unitarianism -- Unity -- Universalism -- Unknown God -- Unlearned -- Unrighteousness -- Upright, uprightness -- Vain, vanity -- Vice -- Victory -- Vine -- Virgin, virginity -- Virgin birth of Jesus -- Virtue -- Vision -- Visitation -- Voice -- Vow.
  • Wages -- Wait -- Waldenses -- Walk -- Warfare, war -- Watch -- Water -- Way -- Wealth -- Whitsunday -- Whole -- Wicked, wickedness -- Widow -- Will -- Will of God -- Will-worship -- Wisdom -- Witchcraft -- Witness, testimony -- Woe, woes -- Woman -- Women, ordination of -- Word -- Work -- World, worldliness -- Worship -- Wrath -- Write, writing, written -- Yoke -- Young, young men -- Z -- Zeal -- Zealot -- Zion -- Zoroastrianism.
  • 0801040426
  • 9780801040429
  • 0801042895
  • 9780801042898
  • ocm00784222
  • 784222
  • SCSB-97307
Owning Institutions
Princeton University Library