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The history of the reign of the emperor Charles the Fifth

The history of the reign of the emperor Charles the Fifth, by William Robertson, D.D.; with an account of the emperor's life after his abdication by William H. Prescott.
Robertson, William, 1721-1793.
Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co. [1884]

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vol.3TextUse in library DP161 .P7 1884 vol.3Off-site


Additional Authors
  • Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859.
  • Kirk, John Foster, 1824-1904
3 volumes illustrations; 20 cm
"Charles V (Spanish: Carlos I; Dutch: Karel V; German: Karl V.; Italian: Carlo V; French: Charles Quint; 24 February 1500 ? 21 September 1558) was ruler of the Holy Roman Empire from 1519 and, as Charles I, of the Spanish Empire from 1516 until his voluntary retirement and abdication in favor of his younger brother Ferdinand I as Holy Roman Emperor and his son Philip II as King of Spain in 1556."--Wikipedia.
  • Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558
  • 1492-1648
  • Holy Roman Empire > History > Charles V, 1519-1556
  • Europe > History > 1492-1648
  • Europe
  • Europe > Holy Roman Empire
  • Edited by John Foster Kirk.
  • V. 1: A view of the progress of society in Europe : Section I: view of the progress of society in Europe with respect to interior government, laws, and manners : The effects of the Roman power on the state of Europe ; The irruption of the barbarous nations ; Their settlements in the countries they had conquered ; Decay of the Roman Empire ; Desolation occasioned by the barbarians ; Origin of the present political system of Europe ; The feudal system ; Its effects upon the arts, literature, and religion ; The crusades, and their effects upon society ; Growth of municipal institutions ; Emancipation of the peasantry ; Beginning of a regular administration of justice ; Trial by combat ; Appeals ; Ecclesiastical courts ; Discovery of the code of Justinian ; Chivalry ; Revival of learning ; Influence of commerce ; Italians the first merchants and bankers ; Rise of trade and manufactures among the cities of the Hanseatic League ; In the Netherlands ; In England -- Section II: view of the progress of society in Europe with respect to the command of the national force requisite in foreign operations : Improved state of society at the beginning of the fifteenth century ; The concentration of resources in European states ; The power of monarchs, their revenues and armies ; Affairs of different states at first entirely distinct ; Progress of combination ; Loss of continental territory by the English ; Effects upon the French monarchy ; Growth of standing armies, and of the royal prerogative under Louis XI ; His example imitated in England and in Spain ; The heiress of burgundy ; Perfidious conduct of Louis XI towards her ; Her marriage with Maximilian, Archduke of Austria ; Invasion of Italy by Charles VIII ; The balance of power ; Use of infantry in armies ; League of Cambray against Venice -- Section III: view of the political constitution of the principal states in Europe, at the commencement of the sixteenth century : Italy at the beginning of the sixteenth century ; The papal power ; Alexander VI and Julius II ; Defects in ecclesiastical governments ; Venice, its rise and progress, its naval power and its commerce ; Florence ; Naples and Sicily ; Contest for its crown ; Duchy of Milan ; Ludovico Sforza ; Spain, conquered by the Vandals and by the Moors, gradually re-conquered by the Christians ; Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella ; The royal prerogative ; Constitution of Aragon and of Castile ; Internal disorders ; "The Holy Brotherhood" ; France, its constitution and government ; The power of its early kings ; Government becomes purely monarchical, though restrained by the nobles and the parliaments ; The German empire ; Power of the nobles and of the clergy ; Contests between the popes and the emperors ; Decline of imperial authority ; Total change of government ; Maximilian ; The real power and revenues of the emperors, contrasted with their pretensions ; Complication of difficulties ; Origin of the Turkish Empire, its character ; The Janizaries ; Solyman -- History of Charles V : Book I : Birth of Charles V ; His hereditary dominions ; Philip and Joanna, his parents ; Birth of Ferdinand, his brother ; Death of Isabella ; Philip's attempts to obtain the government of Castile ; The regent Ferdinand marries a niece of the French king to exclude Philip and his daughter ; The Castilian nobility declare for Philip ; Philip and Joanna proclaimed ; Death of Philip ; Incapacity of Joanna ; Ferdinand made regent ; His acquisition of territory ; His death ; Education of Charles V ; Cardinals Ximenes and Adrian ; Charles acknowledged king ; Ximenes strengthens the royal power, is opposed by the nobles ; War in Navarre and in Africa ; Peace with France ; Charles visits Spain ; His ingratitude towards Ximenes ; Death of the latter ; Discontent of the Castilians ; Corruption of the King's Flemish favorites ; Reception of Charles in Aragon ; Death of the Emperor Maximilian ; Charles and Francis I competitors for the empire ; Views of the other reigning potentates ; Assembly of the electors ; The crown offered to Frederic of Saxony ; He declines in favor of Charles, who is chosen ; Discontent of the Spaniard ; Insurrections in Valencia ; The Cortes of Castile summoned to meet in Galicia ; Charles appoints regents, and embarks for the Low Countries -- Book II : Rivalry between Charles and Francis I, for the empire ; They negotiate with the Pope, the Venetians, and Henry VIII of England ; Character of the latter ; Cardinal Wolsey ; Charles visits England ; Meeting between Henry VIII, and Francis I ; Coronation of Charles ; Solyman the magnificent ; The Diet convoked at Worms ; The reformation ; Sale of indulgences by Leo X ; Tetzel ; Luther ; Progress of his opinions ; Is summoned to Rome ; His appearance before the Legate ; His appeals to a general council ; Luther questions the papal authority ; Reformation in Switzerland ; Excommunication of Luther ; Reformation in Germany ; Causes of the progress of reformation ; The corruption in the Roman church ; Power and ill conduct of the clergy ; Venality of the Roman court ; Effects of the invention of printing ; Erasmus ; The Diet at Worms ; Edict against Luther ; He is seized and confined at Wartburg ; His doctrines condemned by the University of Paris, and controverted by Henry VIII of England ; Henry VIII favors the Emperor Charles against Francis I ; Leo X makes a treaty with Charles ; Death of Chievres ; Hostilities in Navarre and in the Low Countries ; Siege of Mezieres ; Congress at Calais ; League against France ; Hostilities in Italy ; Death of Leo X ; Defeat of the French ; Henry VIII declares war against France ; Charles visits England ; Conquest of Rhodes by Solyman.
  • V. 2: Book III : Insurrections ; Attempts of the regent, Adrian, to suppress them ; Confederacy in Castile against him ; Measures taken by the emperor ; Remonstrance of the junta ; They take up arms ; Their negotiations with the nobles ; The junta under Padilla defeated in battle ; Defence of Toledo by his widow ; The war in Valencia and in Majorca ; Generosity of the emperor ; Reception of Adrian at Rome ; His Pacific policy ; A new league against France ; Treachery of the Duke of Bourbon ; Francis attacks Milan ; Death of Adrian, and election of Clement VII ; Disappointment of Wolsey ; Progress of the war with France ; Pope Clement unable to bring about peace ; The French abandon the Milanese ; Death of Bayard ; The reformation in Germany ; Luther translates the Bible ; The Diet at Nuremberg proposes a general council ; The Diet presents a list of grievances to the pope ; Opinion at Rome concerning the policy of Adrian ; Clement's measures against Luther -- Book IV : Views of the Italian States respecting Charles and Francis ; Charles invades France without success ; Francis invades the Milanese ; He besieges Pavia ; Neutrality of the pope ; Francis attacks Naples ; Movements of the imperial generals ; Battle of Pavia ; Francis taken prisoner ; Schemes of the emperor ; Prudence of Louise the regent ; Conduct of Henry VIII and the Italian powers ; The emperor's rigorous terms to Francis ; Francis carried to Spain ; Henry makes a treaty with the Regent Louise ; Intrigues of Morone in Milan ; He is betrayed by Pescara ; Treatment of Francis ; Bourbon made general and Duke of Milan ; Treaty of Madrid ; Liberation of Francis ; Charles marries Isabella of Portugal ; Affairs in Germany ; Insurrections ; Conduct of Luther ; Prussia wrested from the Teutonic Knights ; Measures of Francis upon reaching his kingdom ; A league against the emperor ; Preparations for war ; The Colonnas masters of Rome ; The pope detached from the Holy League ; Position of the emperor ; Bourbon marches towards the pope's territories ; Negotiations ; Assault of Rome ; Bourbon slain ; The city taken and plundered ; The pope a prisoner ; Hypocrisy of the emperor ; Solyman invades Hungary ; Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, becomes King of Hungary ; Progress of the reformation -- Book V : General indignation and confederacy against the emperor ; The Florentines ; The French army in Italy ; The emperor sets the pope at liberty, and makes Pacific overtures ; A royal challenge ; Retreat of the imperial army from Rome ; The French besieges Naples ; Revolt of Andrew Doria ; Freedom of Genoa ; Operations in the Milanese ; Treaty between the pope and the emperor, and between Charles and Francis ; Henry VIII seeks a divorce from his queen, Catherine of Aragon ; Charles visits Italy and re-establishes the power of the Medici ; Returns to Germany ; The Diet of Spires ; The protest ; The Diet of Augsburg ; Decree against the Protestants ; Charles makes his brother Ferdinand king of the Romans ; Negotiations of the Protestants ; The campaign in Hungary ; Conference between the emperor and the pope ; Movements of the French king ; Henry divorced form Queen Catherine by the archbishop, and excommunicated by the pope ; Papal authority abolished in England ; Death of Clement VII ; Pope Paul III ; Insurrection of the Anabaptists in Germany ; They become masters of Munster ; John of Leyden crowned king ; Confederacy against him ; Munster besieged and taken ; The league of Smalkalde ; Expedition of the emperor to Africa ; The Barbary States ; The Barbarossas ; Conquest of Tunis ; The emperor besieges Goleta, defeats Barbarossa, and restores the king of Tunis -- Book VI : A new war between the emperor and Francis ; Francis negotiates unsuccessfully with the German Protestants ; Takes possession of Savoy ; Geneva recovers its liberty ; Francis makes a new claim to the Duchy of Milan ; Charles prepares for war ; He challenges Francis ; He recovers a part of Savoy ; He enters Provence ; He is defeated by the cautious policy of Montmorency ; Operations in Picardy ; Death of the dauphin imputed to poison ; Decree of the parliament of Paris ; Hostilities in the Low Countries, and in Piedmont ; Alliance between Francis and Solyman ; Truce concluded at Nice ; Interview between Charles and Francis ; Assassination of Alexander de' Medici ; His successor, Cosmo, supported by the emperor ; Renewed coolness between Charles and Francis ; The emperor courts Henry VIII ; Negotiations for a general council ; The reformation in Saxony ; States of the emperor's finances ; Complaints of his Spanish subjects ; The Cortes subverted ; Insurrection at Ghent ; Francis refuses aid to the rebels ; Charles passes through France ; His vengeance upon Ghent ; He refuses to keep his promise to Francis concerning Milan ; Loyola, founder of the Jesuits ; Constitution and policy of this order ; Its power, wealth, and influence ; Conference between Roman and Protestant divines at Ratisbon ; Death of King John of Hungary ; Solyman seizes the kingdom ; The emperor's expedition against Algiers -- Book VII : Renewal of hostilities by Francis ; Operations of his forces ; The emperor's negotiations with Henry VIII ; Henry's rupture with France and Scotland ; Francis's negotiations with Solyman ; The campaign in the Low Countries ; Solyman invades Hungary ; Barbarossa's descent upon Italy ; Maurice of Saxony ; The pope calls a Council at Trent, but is obliged to prorogue it ; Diet at Spires ; Concessions to the Protestants by the emperor ; His negotiations with Denmark and England ; Battle of Cerisoles ; Siege of St. Disier ; Peace concluded at Crespy ; War between France and England continued ; Diet at Worms ; The Protestants suspect the emperor ; Death of the Duke of Orleans ; The pope grants the Duchies of Parma and Placentia to his son ; The Council of Trent ; The Protestants and the emperor -- Book VIII : Death of Luther ; Hostility of the emperor towards the Protestants ; His alliances ; Diet at Ratisbon ; The emperor's treaty with the pope ; The Protestants prepare for defence and seek for aid ; They lose by inaction ; Their first operations ; The emperor declines battle ; Maurice of Saxony, his treachery ; Separation of the Confederate army ; Rigorous conduct of the emperor to those who yielded ; Contest between Maurice of Saxony and the elector ; The pope recalls his troops ; Conspiracy in Genoa ; Fiesco, Count of Lavagna -- Book IX : Francis, jealous of the emperor, endeavors to form alliances against him ; Death of Francis ; The emperor marches against the elector of Saxony ; Battle of Mulhausen ; The elector taken prisoner ; Charles invests Wittemberg ; His ungenerous treatment of the elector ; Maurice put in possession of the electoral dominions ; The emperor treacherously detains the landgrave as a prisoner ; His rigor towards his German subjects ; Ferdinand's tyranny in Bohemia ; Diet at Augsburg ; The council translated from Trent to Bologna ; Assassination of the pope's son ; The pope's dread of the emperor ; Contest as to the place of session of the council ; Compliance with "The Interim" enforced by the emperor ; The pope dismisses the council assembled at Bologna ; The emperor receives his son Philip in the Low Countries.
  • V. 3: Book X : The pope's schemes against the emperor ; Election of Pope Julius III ; Diet at Augsburg ; Schemes of Maurice of Saxony against the emperor ; War upon Magdeburg ; Council summoned at Trent ; Attempt to obtain the liberation of the landgrave ; Plan of Charles for procuring the imperial crown for his son, Philip ; The pope and the emperor attempt to recover Parma and Placentia ; Octavio makes an alliance with Henry II, of France ; Hostilities between Charles and Henry ; Henry protests against the council ; Violence of the emperor against the Protestants ; Siege of Magdeburg by Maurice ; Martinuzzi favors the pretensions if Ferdinand to Hungary ; He is assassinated by order of Ferdinand ; Maurice makes a treaty with Henry II ; He demands once more the liberty of the Landgrave ; He amuses the emperor, and meanwhile makes preparation for war ; He takes the field ; The emperor endeavors to gain time by negotiation ; Maurice takes the castle of Ehrenburg ; The emperor flies from Inspruck ; He liberates the elector of Saxony ; The council of Trent breaks up ; The French attack Strasburg ; The operations of Albert of Brandenburg ; Negotiations for peace at Passau at last successful -- Book XI : Maurice marches against the Turks ; The landgrave and the elector recover their liberty ; The emperor makes war upon France ; The siege of Metz ; Losses of the emperor in Italy ; Descent of the Turks upon the kingdom of Naples ; Confederacy under the lead of Maurice against Albert of Brandenburg ; Maurice is slain in battle, but Albert is defeated, and afterwards driven out of Germany ; Success of the emperor in the Netherlands ; His losses in Hungary and Italy ; The family troubles of Solyman ; The ambition of his mistress Roxalana, and the fate of his son Mustapha ; Marriage of Philip with Mary of England ; Efforts of Mary to overthrow Protestantism ; Henry conducts a vigorous campaign against the emperor ; Cosmo de' Medici's schemes ; The French under Strozzi defeated ; Siege of Siena ; Retreat of the Duke of Alva from Piedmont ; Conspiracy to betray Metz discovered ; Diet at Augsburg ; Death of Pope Julius ; Charles endeavors anew to acquire the imperial crown for his son, Philip ; The peace of religion established ; Pope Marcellus II ; Pope Paul IV, and the ambitious schemes of his nephews ; The emperor abdicates in favor of his son, Philip ; Peace between France and Spain ; The pope attempts to rekindle war ; The Duke of Alva takes the field against him ; A truce between the pope and Philip -- Book XII : New and fruitless attempt of the emperor to procure the succession for his son, Philip ; He sets out for Spain ; His retreat at St. Justus ; The pope renews hostilities against Philip ; Duke of Guise's operations ; Philip gains the aid of England ; The war in the Netherlands ; Siege of St. Quentin ; Measures of Henry for the defence of France ; Peace between the pope and Philip ; Placentia restored to the Duke of Parma ; Cosmo de' Medici recovers Siena ; The Duke of Guise invests and takes Calais ; Ferdinand chosen successor to the emperor, but is not acknowledged by the pope ; Marriage of the dauphin and the Queen of Scots ; Defeat of the French at Gravelines ; Proposals for peace ; Death of Charles V ; Death of Mary of England ; Both Henry and Philip court her successor, Elizabeth ; Her artifice towards Philip ; Articles of peace agreed upon ; Death of Henry ; State of Europe during the reign of Charles V ; Progress of the House of Austria ; Growth of France, and of England ; The reformation ; State of Venice and other Italian nations, of Russia, and the Northern Powers -- Life of Charles V after his abdication : Book I : The convent of Yuste ; Charles's departure from the Netherlands ; His voyage to Spain ; His progress through the country ; Reception at Valladolid ; Journey to Jarandilla ; His residence there ; Discontent of his household ; His visitors ; Pernicious indulgence of his appetite ; His removal to Yuste -- Book II : Charles's Mansion at Yuste ; Furniture and works of art ; Van Male ; Charles's household and expenditure ; His way of life ; His confessor ; His mechanical pursuits ; His observance of religious rites ; His contentment at Yuste -- Book III : Erroneous opinions respecting Charles ; His interest in public affairs ; Luis de Avila ; Petty annoyances ; Visit of Francisco Borja ; Charles's memoirs of himself ; Visit of his sisters to Yuste ; Death of Queen Eleanor ; Charles's resignation of the imperial title ; His zeal for the faith -- Book IV : Charles's ill health ; He rehearses his obsequies ; Is attacked by his last illness ; Codicil to his will ; Progress of the disease ; Extreme unction ; Last hours, and death ; Funeral honors ; Philip the Second's visit to Yuste ; Bodies of Charles and his family removed to the Escorial ; Decay of the convent at Yuste.
  • ocm00652269
  • 652269
  • SCSB-14680363
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Princeton University Library